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(Credits yet again to Shrimperini for the photo on the top)

Yep. If you're reading this, that's it. That's kind of the end of this entire fanfic hehe... pls remember that this is my first fanfic ever so my writing might have some flaws. Pls suggest some ways I can improve my writing if u think theres anything I could add!

I decided this fic was kind of angsty for a suntan storyline... so I made a little extra Suntan fluff for you Suntan lovers who want something fluffy :D  (This passage isn't apart of the book)

So here u go, right outta the oven! 

(This oneshot is set at a time where Kel and Sunny are older and live together btw hehe)


3rd person POV

The clock ticked over and over repeatedly, echoing in Sunny's head endlessly on and on. It was already 1:21, as the clock told, and he was still wide awake, unable to get even an ounce of shut eye. He stared out the window and watched a car or two zoom by. It was pitch black outside, so its not like you could see much other than the street lights and the lights from the cars that came by every now and then.

He heard a small creaking noise from somewhere and startled a little from it, flinching his head toward the doorway where it had come from.

"Sunny..?" He heard a familiar sleepy voice speak along with a small yawn.

The voice was none other than Kels...

"What are you doing up this late?.." Kel asked, taking a seat beside Sunny and throwing him a worried look. What was he doing up at this hour?...

"I... I couldn't sleep." Sunny mumbles, staring deep into his lovers dark, brown eyes. He never really saw Kel when he was sleepy or tired at all, since he was always so energetic and awake all the time and ready to do just about anything without a care in the world. But here he was, eyebags and everything.

Kel raised a hand to rub his eyes to try to keep himself awake.
"Mm.. do you need me to cuddle you to bed again?" He asked hoarsely, looking a bit drowsy and out of it all.

Sunny slowly nods and clings to the taller boy like glue without even a second thought, quickly feeling his hair being toyed with and played around with, curled and entwined in between the other boys fingers. He trusted Kel though, so it was okay.

Kel softly laid Sunny down on the bed and crawled up beside him, letting Sunny nuzzle his head into his shoulder as Kel leaned to kiss his forehead and fiddle with his short strands of dark, neat hair.
It was a beautiful sight, for sure.

Sunny felt safe and comfortable in his partner's arms. He never wanted to let go of him ever. He felt the warm, reassuring feeling of his boyfriends hand on his cheek. And it gave off a feeling like no other...

 Snuggling into him some more, Sunny slowly nodded off to sleep, curling his arms and legs around Kel to fully cling onto and embrace the warmer boy above him.

Kel quickly followed along, almost drifting off to sleep himself, but trying his best to stay awake to watch over the smaller, more fragile boy below him as if there was something that could just pull him away into the night that he needed to be protected from.

Kel let off a small, low hum and let his hand that was toying with Sunny's hair drift off somewhere else.

They spent the rest of that night snuggled up together in eachother's presence, hearing the soft noise of eachothers small, quick breaths gave them a sense of comfort.

"Sweet dreams, Sunshine.." Kel smiled weakly and kissed the smaller boys head, closing his eyes to doze himself off into a peaceful rest...


(End of passage.)


(Yah thats it hehe. :D. This was just a quick little fluffy passage so I didn't spend much time editing it, but its certainly something to enjoy lol.)

(Thanks for taking the time to read this fanfic!! <3 it means alot to me!!! Cya guys some other time probably! lol)

Opposites Attract (A Omori Suntan/Caprisun Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now