Lucky You

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Santo Domingo
Almost midnight

David's sandevistan was active as blood was raining down slowly around him

A few weeks earlier

In the bar named Afterlife Maine was sitting with Dorio with his arm around her in a booth with them both watching a tablet of a security feed

Maine:any movement?

Dorio:dead, nothin' in, nothin' out.


Dorio:Faraday had it right, he swapped venues.

Maine:ah dropped the ball on this, sorry ass lost cause by now.

Dorio:Saka cleanin' house over a stolen stretch? Can't be it.

Maine:hmm thinkin' your right. Whole thing reeks of high risk shit. Wish Faraday tell us what the fuck we after.

Dorio:what's the saying? "Biggest fish is the one that got away"? Should I dig deeper on Tanaka?

Maine:nah sniffin' 'round saka's shits a fixers job. It's on him to give us a lead. What'd that ass much say? "I pay you to check the boxes off my list." Tch.

Dorio:sure but...curiosities killing me, let me sic Kiwi on him, see what she can find.

Maine:ain't gonna stop you babydoll, in the meantime...let's

He flexed his cybernetic arms as he reached for her breast


She slammed the back of her hand into his face busting Maine's nose as blood began running from it like water from a tap

Dorio chuckled as she leaned in and licked the blood from his chin

They started making out in their booth as Maine started grabbing at her chest

Maine suddenly got a call from David which threw off his whole mood, he answered the call as he continued making out with Dorio

Maine:bad-bad time kid, nows bad.

Meanwhile David was standing at the window in his apartment just looking out at the late night, night city

David:uh the word, what's the word? Haven't heard anything.

Maine:said I'd call-call if any giggy popped up.

David:nothin'? Still nada? Take whatever ya got.

Maine:desperate looks ugly, rookie. Eds all gone, blow your last cut already?

David:not-not eddies, not what I mean.


David:Learnin'. Learnin' the ropes, me. You can't be my crutch. Said yourself, right?

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