Girl on Fire

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Years prior

Maine was running down an abandoned highway

He had headphones in with the radio playing through his phone

It was hot and he was sweating profusely, he didn't have a single piece of cybernetics on him but had a respectable physique

His pace began to slow as he reached an abrupt ending of the highway that lead to nowhere

He came to a stop as he began blankly looking out across the desert sands

Present day
Safe house

Maine was blankly looking at the wall straight ahead sitting on a couch, he was giving off a thousand yard stare vibes

Dorio:Maine, when's the last time you snarfed anything? Here.

Maine snapped back to realities and looked up to see Dorio holding a small cup of noodles

Maine slowly reached up with his right hand and took it, he tried opening it with his free hand that was shaking like a leaf in the wind

His right hands grip loosened and he dropped the cup on the floor

Maine began reaching down still shaking when Dorio stopped him

Dorio:damnit, your shaking. All that chromes messin' with your nerves. When this is over, gotta refit, go lightspec, reduce your load.

Maine reached into his pocket and pulled out an immunosuppressant

Maine:it's just some jitters.

He injected himself

Maine:ain't nothin to worry about.

Dorio:(y/n) said the same thing when his symptoms started.

Maine dropped the empty canister on the ground

Dorio:you can't keep this up babe.

She sat down on the couch next to him

Maine:Fuck that. A little metal ain't gonna be enough to-

He looked to his right at her but found himself looking at David and (y/n) at Aldo's shop



Dorio started shaking him as his eyes began glitching out

Suddenly Maine snapped back and got pissed

Maine:Fuck off! Ain't nobody gonna set my limits but me!!

He swatted her hand away violently

Maine:made it this goddamn far without trouble! Ain't about to backtrack now! No way I'm gonna end up like that gonk!

Cyberpunk Edgerunner x male readerWhere stories live. Discover now