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Night city
Late night

Inside an arasaka facility that was almost completely desolate due to the late hours, a researcher entered her directors office

She stepped in front of his deck and stood there waiting to be acknowledged

Researcher:um...director Evans?

The director suddenly looks up slightly startled

Director:what-what the hell? How long have you been standing there?

Researcher:my apologies, sir. I did knock a few times...

The director let out a small sigh

Director:it's alright, tell me what it is your need.

Researcher:it's...getting late...may I go home for the day?

The director rolled his eyes as he groaned

Researcher:my apologies...I ask only because I had plans for the evening.

Director:shall I adjust all our deadlines to accommodate YOUR personal schedule?

Researcher:n-no's son got into the academy, I...I wanted to surprise him.

Director:oh delightful, another legacy hire. Please extend my congratulations. Find someone to fetch the UG2 samples and you are free to go.

Researcher:um...but at this hour they've all gone home...

The director audibly inhaled in an agitated manner

Researcher:it-it's no problem, sir. I'll grab the sample myself.

Director:how very kind of you to do what your paid for. Fetch it and then get out of my sight.

A few minutes later she was walking back towards the directors office but the windows had been blacked out and the door was open

She walked towards the open door and struggled to peer into the darkness

Researcher:uh...director evans? I uh...

She stepped into the doorway and saw David hunched over inside holding a gun and the director was lying in his chair with his brains blow across the wall

She gasped in horror and dropped the sample causing David to snap out of whatever was happening to him as he suddenly stood up and put the gun to her head

Both their breathing was ragged as the researcher began to perspire profusely

Researcher:b-but why?

Outside the building on the street corner was the crews emperor

Rebecca had her head up through yhr hatch to the rough and was waiting bored out of her skull resting her head in her hand

Her attention was caught as she watched david jump the fence and hurry towards the back door and jumped into the back seat

(Y/n) was sitting behind the passenger seat where kiwi sat next to falco

Cyberpunk Edgerunner x male readerWhere stories live. Discover now