Man on the Moon

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Night city

At the original sight of the cyberskeleton battle the few surviving Militech's members had regained consciousness to the horrifying sight of their comrades and vehicles smashed, ripped apart and turned to paste

Militech soldier:so many dead!

Militech solider:basilisk down!

Militech soldier:that was one guy?! Fixer sold us bad intel!

Militech soldier:call for backup!

Militech soldier:they're on the movie! Heading straight for night city!

Militech soldier:cyberskeleton, can't let arasaka recover it!

The crew was driving out of the badlands with dozens of Militech vehicles following behind and firing upon their vehicle

Falco:well, where now?


Falco:HQ? City center?

David:That's right!

Rebecca:what in the hell for?

David:we're saving Lucy!

(Y/n):shit, all the way there? What happened?

David:faraday! Rat bastard cut a deal the-...

David suddenly froze up as his eyes started glitching out, he wasn't even moving as the cyberskeleton barely fit into the vehicle

David:just my eyes for a sec...

He slowly closed his eyes

Rebecca:for real?! Meds are starting to wear off faster and faster!

The vehicle approached the city border which had been blocked by Militech and falco swerved around them as he continued heading for Arasaka HQ

Falco:hey folks, Militech's multiplying.

Rebecca:sh-shit! Shake em' off! David's gotta take five!

Falco:WHAT?! Right now?!

(Y/n):I'll be back.

(Y/n) shoved the roof hatch open

Rebecca:the fuck are you going?!

(Y/n) loaded his rifle as he adjusted the grenade belt around his torso

(Y/n):to spit some lead.

He jumped up onto the roof of the emperor as an Militech truck pulled up alongside them and the edgerunner jumped over onto the cab

Falco:well, looks like we're buying time now!

Rebecca:hold down the front, Kay?!

Falco:yes ma'am, just leave 'em to me!

(Y/n) started hanging in front of the driver side door as he punched the window in and the Militech driver tried shooting him as (y/n) slammed his head against the steering wheel knocking the driver out

(Y/n) plucked a grenade off his belt and tossed it into the cab as he jumped back to the emperor

The truck started swerving as the cab blew up violently blocking most of the road

The rear door of the emperor dropped as Rebecca started shooting at the Militech vehicles while laughing

Rebecca:way to go big man! Hahahaha!!

Cyberpunk Edgerunner x male readerWhere stories live. Discover now