Jess and Her Weird Instinct

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"You what?!" Jess shouted, gaining few stares from the crowd. Jenna rolled her eyes and giggled. "I repeat. I won a free trip to L.A to see One Direction."

"No way! Why are you so lucky? I can't even win a single toy from a damn claw machine." She pouted and sipped from her Iced Caramel Macchiato.

"Are you jealous? I thought you hated them." Jenna laughed at her friend.

"I'm jealous of the L.A trip and not about the One Direction thingy. You know how I don't like them."

"You know what, Jess? Sometimes I wonder how we are still bestfriends despite of you hating on my idols." She bursted into a laugh and threw a rolled napkin at Jess.

"Because I am like your conscience. You know, like I'm the one who's helping you to have a good decision in life but it seems like I can't do my duties well. I can't seem to change your mind about those boys." Jess looked at her eyes and smirked.

"Oh my God. You're weird. And yes, you will never succeed my dear conscience." Jenna giggled as her friend rolled her eyes.

Jess got up from her seat, "So why did you dragged me here, huh?" She asked. Jenna followed her and linked her arms with Jess'. "I'm going to buy gifts for the lads and I was wondering if you could help me choose." She said, wiggling her brows. "Why would you buy them things? They're so rich, they can buy it themselves." Jenna crossed her arms. "Gosh, why are you such a hater?" "I'm just being an honest friend and you still love me no matter how a horrible hater I could be." Jess winked. "Ugh. You're lucky that you're my friend and I love you. Can you just forget that you hate them and help me buy them stuff, even just for today? Please? " Jenna gave her a puppy look. Jess throw her hands on her head, "Okay, this would be the first and last time that I'd do that. You happy now, huh?" She said, rolling her eyes. Jenna jumped and hugged her. "Yes! Thank you! I'll bring you a lot of souvenirs when I come home from the trip." "Ugh, you better do."

Jenna's POV

Jess is my very bestfriend. We know each other since kindergarten. She found me on the playground one afternoon, crying because Alex, the bully, took my bag of candies. She asked me why I was crying so I told her. I tried to stop her but she already walked up to Alex and just whispered something into his ears and before I knew it, she's already got my candies in her hands. She gave it to me and offered me her hankie to wipe my tears off. I asked her how'd she do that and she said to me, "Let's just say I told him that if he tries to bully you again, I will tell everyone that he pooped on his pants while he was at our house." That did put a big smile on my face and I hugged her tight. I never knew what to do then if I haven't met her. She's just this type of friend who's stricter that my own parents but the one who I couldn't afford to lose. And oh, Alex? Well, he's only just her boyfriend of 5 years now. Crazy right? Yeah. That's what we are.

Ever since I started to like 1D, she has been doing the opposite. She always shut me off when I talk about the lads. I don't even know why she was doing that but sometimes I wonder if this is all about her "weird instinct". Back when we were in high school, there was this guy named Ken who kept on flirting with me. I told Jess about him and without missing a point, she said that I should keep away from him. I asked her if she knows him and why should I keep away. She told me that she don't but she really has this strange feeling that he's just gonna be playing with my heart. I admit, I didn't take her seriously and so I kept entertaining him. We were always on the phone, talking every night altough he haven't still asked me out. I kept it a secret from Jess. Ken and I kept on talking and chatting every night. After a week, I felt that I was falling for him so I decided to tell him the next day at school. When I arrived at school, I saw him kissing some other girl at the the hallway. Since then, I always take Jess' advice when it comes to boys because I know she only wants nothing but for me to be happy.

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