Spilled Beans

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Harry's POV

"Just 5 more days and I will finally see her. Should I meet her at the airport? Should I send her flowers? What if she won't come. What if she don't like me. God, I'm so nervous. She's just too perfect for me." These thoughts kept on running on my mind. I really don't understand why I instantly fell head over heels for her. I mean, I haven't seen nor know her personally for me to feel that way. I haven't even felt that way before. I guess love just works in crazy and weird ways. So today I've been calling my assistant, Molly, to keep an update about Jenna. She said that Jenna already confirmed that she will come to L.A. She will come. Yes! What great time to feel alive.

                              *        *         *

"Hey, mate. Liam and I are coming over. Don't worry, we'll bring foods. See you. Bye." Louis left a voice message. Harry smiled and got up. He grabbed a bottle of sprite from the fridge. "I swear, Lou, if you tell the boys about my secret, I'll kill you." He chuckled. Just as he was about to sit, the door opened and Liam peeked in. "Hey. We brought buffalo wings and beer." He grinned as he brought up the paper bag. Louis stepped in, his hands inside the pocket of his jeans. "I have something to tell you, Hazz." He blurted out. Harry then know what he was going to say. "Oh no. You didn't." Louis smirked, "I'm sorry".

Liam furrowed his brows, "So, you just saw her on instagram and then, bam, you fell in love with her?" he asked. Harry gulped down his left beer, and nodded. Louis shook his head and smiled. "Hey, don't you smile at me. You said you'll keep my secret." Harry slapped Lou's arms. "Ow. I am sorry alright but you know how terrible I am in keeping secrets." Liam licked his thumb and gave Harry another bottle of beer. "Why would you even keep it from us, bro? Don't you trust us?" He asked again. Harry sighed, "No. That's not true. I kept it because I'm too shy to admit that I fell in love with a girl who I don't even know. I thought you'll make fun of me when you find out about it." Liam patted his friend's shoulder, "Maybe we'll laugh about it but hey, that's love. I mean, you'll never really know when will Cupid's arrow will come. I understand you, Hazz. Although I haven't been in love with a stranger yet, I know how to be in love." Harry smiled. "Thank you, Liam." He said. "Hey, I am supposed to be the bestfriend." Louis interrupted, pouting. Harry nudged him with his elbow and stuffed his mouth with a chicken wing. Louis glared at him, "Ar hert wo" he mumbled. Harry and Liam highfived and drank their remaining beer.

A/N: Sorry it was short. I don't have any good ideas running to my mind rn.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04, 2015 ⏰

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