Found Her!

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It's been two months already since the day he saw the girl's photos. Not a day did Harry forget to check her profile. He has fallen in love with the girl he haven't even met yet. As he was eating his breakfast, he have thought of a brilliant idea. He hurriedly phone-called his assistant to find the address of this IG girl. "Oh boy. What have you done to me, Its_JennaLove?" he whispered smiling as he finished his meal.

Louis found out about Harry's secret after the assistant talked to him about it. He called Harry who was currently watching TV.

"Mate, I'm coming over." Louis said.

"Sure just don't forget to bring pizza! ha-ha" he replied.

"All righty. Bye." Louis hung up.

15 minutes later, he was already at Harry's house. He opened the door and found Harry curling up like a ball on the couch with only his boxers on. "Hand me the pizza!" Harry exclaimed excitedly.

"Not too fast, Mr. IG Stalker." he teased.

Harry's eyes widen. "How the fuck he found about it?" he thought to himself. He tried to play it cool, "What are you talking about?" then let out a nervous chuckle.

Louis laughed hard seeing his face turned to red. "Ah, you my friend, are in love." he concluded.

"Okay. You caught me." Harry spilled out.

"So, what does she looks like?" Lou asked, handing over the pizza to Harry.

He handed his phone to Lou and he was surprised to see the girl's face.

"Dude, WOW!" he exclaimed.

"Hep, that's my bird." Harry jokingly reminded him and grabbed his phone back.

"She's so beautiful, dude! I'll go help you find her." Lou said with a wide grin.

A few minutes later, they were looking at the girl's IG. "Have you messaged her already?" Lou asked. "No." Harry replied. Lou was surprised by his friend's answer.

"Like you never have talked yet? Oh c'mon. Why????"

"I just don't want her to know that I like her yet."

"That's not the Harry I know. That's a sick move, mate. Are you planning to just stare at her photos forever?"

Before Harry could answer, his assistant called him back. She said that she already have the girl's address. He couldn't keep the joy he felt after hearing the good news that he jumped out of the couch and started to kiss Lou's face.

"Hey, hey. What happened?" Lou asked.

"I already know her address! I already know her address!" he replied screaming and jumping.

Louis laughed hardly at him, amazed by his friend's reaction.

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