Chapter 1: Runaways

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Cover art is my own art!

This book is officially my pride and joy guys—

Each chapter has up to 4-7 K words so you guys won't have to worry about a short chapter!!

Chapters will update two at a time, once a week. Updates will be posted on Ao3 first. Find this story on Ao3:

@/ One_last_Idiot1

Break me down

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Please enjoy!


There was something about this world. The city, a perfect one to say the least. It was beautiful, the sky a bright blue during the day and a beautiful midnight light during the night. The holidays were everyone's favorite time of year. The snow looked like fallen specks of angle feathers. Children played whenever they could. It was truly the most beautiful place to be.

Or, if you lived in town that was.

For Sonic it was the definition of hell. But as he ran (not nearly as fast as he used to run but still faster than many creatures combined.) with a small government inventor holding onto him he finally

Of course they had to make their grand escape during winter but that wouldn't effect Sonic due to his fur but he became worried for his friend who was shivering against him as he ran them over fences and under bridges. Sonic hoped his friend wouldn't pass out due to the freezing temperatures and the on-coming blizzard about to arrive.

He heard the yells of the guards from behind him in their trucks and planes in the sky, it was nighttime so everyone in the city was asleep the only thing bright was the helicopters light from above. Sonic couldn't risk stopping now, his friend figured out a way to take off his tracker so once he made it out and out of their sight he and his bud would finally be free.

He wrapped one arm around his friends back to hold him steadily against him as he took the final leap. Looking up at the large wall, a few feet taller than him he scowled at the sight of barbed wire. Sonic took a quick glance behind him and saw a large truck with several guards inside with their guns and tranquilizer guns, several in the back of the truck with a large cage that was rattling because of the creature inside ready to attack the moment it would be released.

Sonic growled, luckily he was around trees as he had ran into a forest to try and get out of their sight, (you can see how that worked out.) he noticed a tree next to him, close to the wall.

Sonic took his chance and jumped up and onto the top branch of the tree and leapt above the wall, he couldn't dodge the barbed wire completely and was scratched on his back and legs. Thankfully, his friend was alright.

Sonic landed harshly onto the snow below, likely being caked with his blood when he landed on his back to avoid landing on his friend. The helicopters were catching up quickly, he panted, getting to his feet and ran under a larger tree, easily blocking him and his friend from the sight of the helicopter.

When the light of the helicopter retreated back into the restricted government area he let out a sigh, gruff and exaggerated. "You alright little buddy?" Sonic asked after a few more minutes of looking out for more planes and helicopters and finding none.

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