Chapter four: failed

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Forgive me for not posting a lot. As many of you know why, I still have a lot of things in my personal life to focus on right now. But I promise you guys, I'll try to come back fully to this app.

I have a lot of projects I'm working on at the moment.



Shadow was skimming through the papers, looking at the information he found. He crossed his legs, leaning back in his chair and holding the paper in one hand as he read it carefully. 

This was it? Seriously? Shadow groaned in irritation. Letting the paper fall back onto the desk. This wasn't as helpful as he first thought. Shadow sighed, looking at his desk. He grabbed the vial with the liquid. Eyeing it carefully. He suddenly hears the door slowly open. Shadow doesn't look up. 

"Hey, handsome. Care to explain what you're trying to do with big blues blood?" Rouge asked. She now wore a dress shirt and genes, a black overcoat lazily on her shoulders. She sat down the vile of blood onto one of the stands. Shadow looked at it. Then at her. 

"Remember two years ago? When I tried to find a way to... kill him?" Shadow says. Rouge gives a curt nod. Clearly not happy about him bringing that up. She sighs.

"Are you still trying to kill him?" She asks, concerned. Shadow shakes his head. He grabs the vile of blood off the stand and opens it, letting a drop of blood fall into a separate, empty vile. 

Two years ago, Shadow had first heard of the werebeast. He had then believed that the werebeast was a labrat. Created as a weapon by the government, he tried to find a way to kill him using poison. But Rouge convinced him that it would be going too far. Even for him. And he stopped. 

But now, Shadow has had a different plan. He didn't want to kill the werebeast. It was clear that Sonic had... gone through things. Shadow didn't ask about it. But it was clear that the werebeast was not always like this. That he didn't always look the way he did. Maybe Shadow, in some odd way, could help him. Maybe then Sonic would finally be able to control himself before something bad would happen, and Shadow wouldn't have to intervene. 

"I need you to ask the fox something." Shadow says, looking up at Rouge, who raises a brow at him. 


"The were. He clearly never always looked the way he does now. I want you to ask the fox if he knows more." Shadow says, and Rouge nods before getting up.


Sonic lied down on the floor. It wasn't that he didn't want to sleep on the bed, no. It was the fact that he was simply too worried about breaking it. He was used to sleeping on floors anyway. He was curled up a bit, lying with Chip on top of his side, already sleeping quite peacefully. Miles was cuddled into Sonics chest, sleeping as well. Sonic kept his arm around the young fox, gently scratching behind the teens' ear as the fox purred at the feeling. It was peaceful despite what had occurred earlier. Sonic didn't want to think about it. But he couldn't not think about it. 

No matter how many times Miles said he wasn't scared of Sonic, no matter how many times Miles reassured him that it was okay, Sonic believed differently. He wouldn't outright call Miles a liar. But he definitely wasn't telling the truth, or, at least, the full truth. Sonic felt his guilt rise up in his chest, burning his heart more and feeling the shame cloud his eyes with fresh tears. He closed them, pressing his nose between Miles' ears. Miles just slept, purring with an occasional twitch of his ears as he cuddled more against Sonic. 

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