1st Heat🔞🔞

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-Gemini was laying there next to Fourth when he felt something wrong. With Gemini being deaf he couldn't hear Fourth's whines or grunts but he could smell that Fourth's sent has changed, in which he knew Fourth's heat was coming sooner than he thought.-

What will happen please read to enjoy, if you are under 18 im not responsible for what happens to you.

-Gemini pov-
Ugh.. I'm deaf I can't hear what's going on with my mate but the way I can tell that he is in heat is that his sent changed he smells more fruity than he normally does. I wish I wasn't deaf but im also greatful that Fourth tries to communicate with me and takes time to learn sign just to talk to me im so happy he is my mate.
-end of Gemini's POV-

G: -sighed as Fourth who is whimpering in Geminis hold. He taps Fourths shoulder and signs- Do you want help my baby boy
F: -nodded his head yes-
G: -gemini starts kissing his Omega the softest way ever he was being very gentle with Fourth and he wanted Fourth to enjoy every minute of what they were about to do.-

-Fourth was enjoying every moment he watched as Gemini slowly started kissing down to his neck and to his ear. Gemini tugged at Fourths shirt, which indicates to Fourth that Gemini wanted his shirt off. So Fourth didn't make Gemini wait anymore and took his shirt off. Fourth also motioned for Gemini to take his shirt off and he did. After they were both shirtless the broke the kiss to breathe in air, Gemini could see the pain that Fourth's heat was doing to Fourth so he signed to Fourth asking if he was sure he wanted to do this, Fourth nodded his head and signed "I only want you". Gemini knew he wouldn't be able to hear Fourths moans but he could feel the vibrations of them and Fourth could hear Geminis grunts.
Fourth wanted nothing but for Gemini to mark him and love him.-

-Gemini started to unbutton Fourth's pants and that's where Fourth started bucking his hips upward indicating that he needed Gemini now he couldn't hold out much longer, and Gemini saw that look on Fourth's face the look of pain so Gemini took off his own pants as well as Fourth's and laid down on the bed he watched as Fourth slowly climbed on him then sat on his lower half but not on Gemini's manhood just yet he wanted to torture Gemini a little. Fourth started rocking his hips back and forth grinding on Gemini, Gemini signed to Fourth -" really you wanna play this game with me your alpha"-, Fourth signed back -"Yes cause your taking forever and im in heat so either you do me or I will ride you till im done"-. Gemini just laid there and let Fourth ride him. Gemini started grunting and heavily breathing he was loving this side of Fourth, while Fourth was doing his thing Gemini could only watch right now since Fourth hasn't sat on Gemini's manhood just yet he was still riding Gemini's thigh now. After about 10 minutes Fourth reached his high while riding Gemini's thigh, so he took Gemini's manhood in his hand and hovered over it and lowered himself down, Gemini held him there until Fourth was able to move. After Fourth sat like that for 3 minutes he finally began to move he started riding Gemini he signed something to Gemini -"you like this huh, you like me riding you like this"-, Gemini signed back -"Yes I do like it, but I love you more, my omega"-. Gemini abruptly held Fourth's hips down to meet his then bucked his hips forward thrusting into Fourth, then Fourth lost it everytime Fourth would go down on Gemini's manhood Gemini would buck his hips upward matching Fourth's rhythm, after 45 minutes to an hour later Fourth was done he let Gemini finish the work Fourth started and after Gemini came inside Fourth they both cuddled up and fell asleep.-

-2 weeks later Fourth was laying in bed with Gemini and he suddenly started making a nest for him Gemini, Gemini also surrounded their nest with his alpha sent.-

What will happen in the next chapters

Thank you all for reading

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