the past

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Gemini's mind raced with questions as Satang settled into the room. The unexpected arrival of their old packmate felt like a ripple in the calm waters of their current life. Gemini glanced at Fourth, who shared the same mixture of curiosity and uncertainty.

"Satang, it's been a while," Fourth signed, breaking the silence.

Satang nodded, a wistful smile playing on his lips. "Indeed it has, Fourth. I've missed the days when we roamed together."

Gemini watched their interaction, noting the subtle shift in the air. There was history between Fourth and Satang, a bond forged in the trials of their past. But Gemini couldn't shake off the feeling that Satang's visit held a deeper significance.

"Satang, what brings you to our doorstep?" Gemini signed, his hands betraying his inner turmoil.

Satang's expression softened, a hint of sadness flickering in his eyes. "I come bearing news, Gemini. News that concerns us all."

Gemini's heart skipped a beat. The cryptic words sent a shiver down his spine. What could Satang possibly have to tell them? And why did it feel like the threads of fate were drawing them back into the tangled web of their past?

Fourth glanced at Gemini, his eyes mirroring the unease that churned within. "What news do you speak of, Satang? Is it about the pack?"

Satang nodded solemnly. "Yes, Fourth. It's about the pack, about our home."

Gemini's pulse quickened. The pack, their old family, had always been a part of them, even as they forged a new life in the city. But now, it seemed that the echoes of the past were calling them back, beckoning them to confront the secrets and sorrows they had left behind.

As Satang began to speak, recounting tales of unrest and upheaval in their homeland, Gemini felt a sense of foreboding settle over him. The scent that had stirred him from his sleep was no longer a mere curiosity—it was a harbinger of change, a whisper of destiny that lingered in the air, waiting to be unraveled.

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