Earth's Family

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While Gemini and Fourth were napping upstairs Earth and Mix were cleaning the house eventhough Gemini does most of the cleaning but Gemini got so stressed out since he smelled a different sent that he was not used too and it scared him cause he thought someone was trying to break in and since he cant hear he has to tell Fourth to let him know so that Fourth can tell Mix or Earth. While Earth and Mix were cleaning they heard a sound coming from upstairs it was Gemini coming down the stairs he seemed stressed out so Mix tried to communicate with him as best as possible so they would just write back and fourth since Fourth was still asleep.

M:*writes- Gem whats wrong, why are you so stressed out

G:*writes- P'Mix im stressed cause of the sent that is surronding the house, dont worry Fourth and the pup are okay. I don't wanna stress Fourth out at all

M:*writes- I understand Gem it's okay as long as you, Fourth and the pup are okay I will tell Earth, if you don't want to be downstairs when his side of the family comes you can stay up there with Fourth yall can watch movies

G:*writes- okay P'Mix I do need to wake Fourth so I'll see if he wants to watch a movie or a show with me

M:*writes- okay Gem just make sure if you or Fourth get uncomfortable text either me or Earth

G:*writes- got it P'Mix

After their conversation Gemini went back upstairs to wake up his lovely boyfriend Fourth, and he got him up and asked if they could watch a show while P'Mix and P'Earth were busy getting the house ready for Earth's parents and family who were coming in that next hour. Gemini requested to Fourth if they could watch a show called My School President which Fourth agreed on they both agreed to English subtitles just so its easier for Gemini to understand. Gemini once told Fourth that before he went deaf he spoke fluent English but know being deaf he can't hear it but he can read it still. Fourth felt their baby kick and so he grabbed Gemini's hand and placed it on to his belly where their pup kicked. Fourth had a few months left till their pup came into the world, Gemini and Fourth talked about I their baby was gonna be deaf when born that they will speak with sign language but if their pup was born with hearing they would still teach sign language but Fourth would speak to their pup and Gemini would help to the most he can.

While Fourth and Gemini were watching My School president Earth's family showed up but he told his family that both Gem and Fourth were asleep (they weren't they just didn't wanna be downstairs). But both Earth and Mix didn't wanna have both boys feel uncomfortable since Fourth is pregnant with Gemini's pup, Gemini wants to keep an eye on Fourth. Mix did go upstairs to give Gem and Fourth snacks and told them to enjoy their show which they happily did. Eventhough Gemini is deaf he can feel the vibrations of Fourths voice everytime he sang along with the show, that's how Gemini fell in love with Fourth even more.

Gemini would be down at any point to ask Fourth to marry him but he wants to wait a little longer and wait for their pup to be at least 2 or 3 years old til Gem and Fourth get married. Now speaking of Earth and Mix they did talk about when they wanna get married but they are gonna wait a little bit as well cause they don't wanna rush things yet.

After a few episodes of My School President Gemini felt the weight of his boyfriend head on his chest he knew Fourth was trying to cuddle into him. During this time Fourth is clingy to whoever he wants to be clingy to it just so happens to be his boyfriend since he wanted Gemini and only Gemini to feel when their pup kicks. So basically Fourth does use Gemini as a pillow before Gemini would use Fourth as a pillow.

 Gemini would always cuddle Fourth like this but now Gemini had to be careful when he cuddled Fourth since the pup was growing every week

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Gemini would always cuddle Fourth like this but now Gemini had to be careful when he cuddled Fourth since the pup was growing every week. Both Fourth and Gemini love kids and they did talk about having kiss so they are really happy and also really nervous for having their pup.

The end of this chapter comment what you would like to read or if you like the ideas I come up with let me know. Also sorry for not posting any stories im under the weather with an upper respatory infection(cold) so I'll write more whenever I can

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