The nursery Reveal

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Gemini, Mix and Earth were working on the nursery to show it to Fourth. Even though Gemini was deaf Mix and Earth tried their best to communicate with Gemini or he gave them the ideas that gem and Fourth came up with so that way they can work together and get the nursery ready. Gemini told Mix on paper that he was gonna go check on Fourth, that way Mix and Earth could finish up their final touches.

Gemini went upstairs to go check up on his boyfriend and their pup that Fourth was still carrying. When Gemini was getting close to their bedroom where Fourth was  he could smell Fourths sent and now their pups sent he knew Fourth was somewhere in their bedroom but since Gemini could only sign he didnt know Fourth was in their bed taking a nap. Gemini lightly shook Fourth till he woke up.

F: *signs - hi baby, how are you, mix and uncle earth doing-

G:* signs back - hi my love, we are doing good actually we wanna show you what we were working on-

F: *Signs -okay but first can you help me to the restroom baby-

G: *signs- yes my love come on-

After Fourth went to the restroom with the help of Gemini, they went to where the nursery is and there was Mix standing next to the door.

M: Fourth can you please cover your eyes and Gemini will guide you in the room

F: okay i appreciate what yall have done for Gem and I

M: of course your considered my nephew as well and you love Gem so we love him too eventhough we cant communnicate through talking Earth and I will always try to help no matter what, and now that your gonna have a baby in 3.5 months so  Earth and I will have a niece and we will always help take care of her and help yall out when yall need it

G: -could read Mix's lips and signed *thank you*-

M: your welcome Gem

Fourth covered his eyes then Mix opened the door to the babies nursery which is also next to Gem and Fourths bedroom so it would be easy for them to check on their pup through out the night.  Anyways Gemini calmly guided Fourth inside the room until Mix told Fourth to uncover his eyes so he could see their daughters nursery.

F: omg guys this is perfect this is exactly what i wanted, thank you

M: dont thank us thank Gem

Fourth hugged Gemini as best as he could but then Gemini took Fourth's chin in his hands and kissed Fourth. Fourth gently kissed Gemini back since Fourth couldnt do much with his belly that is housing their pup.  Later that night Earth and Mix stayed over at Gemini and Fourth's place where they all experienced Fourth's weird food cravings. They were fine with it cause it was what the baby was wanting, not Fourth.

About a week later Gemini could smell a sent that wasnt Fourth, the pup or Earth or Mix he didnt know who it was Fourth doesnt really see his mom much and Gemini doesnt wanna see his mom cause the last time he did when Fourth was around Gemini's mom didnt react good when she saw that Gemini's arm was a little hurt with a small scratch she screamed and both Fourth and Gemini but Gemini yelled back in sign language since he is deaf and couldnt hear and was seriously upset with his mom so after that day he never saw her again. But this sent was different Gemini went to go inform his boyfriend that he sensed a different sent.

G: *signs -baby there is this weird sent that isnt from you the pup, Earth or Mix i dont know who or where it came from

F: *signs back - baby, calm down its okay its Earths family its okay they are just coming by to see Earth and Mix

G: *signed - ah okay thamk you for telling me, now i want cuddles im all anxious

F:* signed- come here baby you know i give in when you want cuddles

Later that day Gemini and Fourth layed down in bed waiting for Earth's family to come by and while waiting they fell asleep cuddled up to one another but Gemini being extra careful with the cuddling now due the pup that was still growing inside Fourth. Mix went to go check of Gemini and Fourth and when he saw them both sleeping he went back downstairs to go tell Earth that they are both sleeping.

M: baby they are both sleeping upstairs

E: thats fine let them sleep they are exhausted

M: theyve been tired for a while

E: thats cause Gemini was on alert since he smelt a different sent than he normally does

M: and since he doesnt really talk with words he will sign to Fourth then Fourth will tell you

E: yup

thank you for reading this chapter i will do another update soon

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