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When Phat's voice ended, the girl turned around and looked confused.
Miles was sneering at the corner of his mouth.

" Why?"  the woman asked back.
Phat scowled at the girl in disapproval.

"Sister, you better go to work. If You become a matchmaker like that, I don't
think the bar owner will like it. " Phat said in a calm voice.

It made the girl's face look a little pale.

"Oh well, I'm going to work. As for the young man's story... "  the young
woman was worried about going back to the original story.

"You don't need to contact anyone. Understood? " Phat said.
The young woman hurriedly returned to work immediately.

" You don't know how to say anything, without being careful not to be rude
to Nong. " Miles said,

"You don't have to pretend to be nice. Came to take pictures here, I think you
must like it, whether it's white or black, everyone is looking at your ass. ".
Phat said, making Miles' face tighten.

"Well, it's like you, right? Just know how to follow my ass, don't argue that
it's not true. If you're following me like this, what does that mean? "  Phat
looked at Miles' face.

"Young people, calm down. Let's not fight now, we have more work to do."
Mint was nearby and saw their bad posture, so she came to interfere first.

"Jay, tell Ai'Phat to stop acting like a mad dog, looking to bite other people all
over the place. " Miles said, getting up and leaving immediately.

Phat started to get up but was stopped by Mint's arm first.

"Phat, stay seated." said Mint to Phat.

Phat agreed to sit down, but his eyes were fixed on Miles, who was talking
to his subordinates about the next scene to be filmed.

"What's wrong with him, P'Mint? " Phat asked.

"Gee, I don't know what's going on between Phat and Miles and I don't want
to interfere because it's about the two of you. But I don't want Phat to invite
Miles to fight right now. Because if Miles is in a bad mood, he's going to lose
that job too. Phat understand what I'm saying? " Mint said in a serious tone.

Phat stood still fora bit, before nodding slowly.

"Yeah, sorry about P'Mint too. " Phat said, raising his hands to apologize to

Mint smiled slightly.

"If you talk nice to Miles, he'll be nice too. But you have to put up with his
mood swings. When he wants to be quiet, he is quiet. When he wants to be
hilarious, he'll be hilarious. Simply put, he has a lot of different emotions in
one day, and the mood changes very quickly. Phat managed to understand
what I'm saying right?" Mint said, to allow Phat to adjust his approach to
Miles and not have to go to fight so often.

After talking to Phat, Mint continued to work and this time, Phat didn't do
anything to fight Miles. But he helped him to work in silence.
But Phat's eyes were always fixed on Miles, which he knew about but didn't
Coming here lets Phat know that there are indeed many types of gay
couples, most of whom are foreigners who come for a walk
Even the Thais who come for a walk, there are many gay couples and Miles
is very interested in these types of young people.

"It's done, thank you all so much."  Miles said, thanking the team and clients
for helping to complete the photo shoot.
The customer would like to buy a drink for all of Miles' team members, to
which Mint responded well.
Phat walked over and sat down next to Miles without saying a word, Miles
didn't say anything either.
Customers order drinks and food to thank the staff and sit down to chat.
Miles continued to sit and look at the photos on the camera as well, looking
up to speak and respond to customers a few times.

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