Din&Pong CHAPTER seven

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"Huh, it's okay. Whatever you want to charge, I'm willing to pay for it. " said

Pong gave Din a little look.

"That's right, how could I forget that P'Din is rich?" said Pong sarcastically.

"I wasn't bragging about being rich, don't get me wrong. I just want Pong to
know that I can do anything you want. " Din quickly apologized, because he
knew Pong didn't like that.

"I said nothing. " said Pong, before Din took him to his print shop.

Pong went to help with Nam's work as usual.
Pong has been working part-time at Din's print shop for the past two weeks.
And every day Din waits to fetch him, though Pong has refused many times.
But Din claimed that Pong could save money on the car or bus tickets,
making Pong have to surrender.
Most nights Din sleeps with Pong. Din did some small things with Pong and
has to pay every time. But Din has never done anything but hug or kiss, even
though in his heart he wants to do more.

"P'Din, can I ask you something?" Pong asked, as he sat down to eat in
front of the dorm, after returning from his part-time job with Din.
Now Din is used to eating on the side of the road like this.

"  What it was? "  Din asked back.

"Are you starting to get bored?" Pong asked.

Din frowned in confusion.

"Bored of what?" Din asked again.

"You taking care of me like that." Pong said back.

Din was a little quiet because he was thinking to himself while Pong asked.
Was he starting to feel bored?
Coming to follow and please Pong all the time made Din answer himself
that he still wasn't bored at all.

"No, why do you ask that  ? Or is Pong just bored of having Phi follow him
around like this?"  Din asked back.

"l'm used to it. " Pong said back, because he feels very used to it.

He got used to having Din waiting to pick him up and take him..
He got used to having Din to sit and eat together...
He got used to having Din sleep with him every night...
He got used to being pampered in everything..

"Then why are you asking me if you're not already bored?" Din asked again
because he wanted to know.

"I was just curious. I can not ask? " Pong asked.
Dean smiled back.

"You may ask, I thought I was bothering Pong again."  Din said, before they
continued eating.

When they were full, the two went upstairs to Pong's dorm. Now in Pong's
room there is a double bed, due to the tall person who lives sleeping on the

Din asked to buy it because he was starting to get back pain from lying on
the floor. When Pong forced him to go back to sleep in his condo, Din refused and also
used all his seduction until Pong agreed to change the bed.

"I'm going to take a shower first. " said Din.

Pong nodded in acknowledgment, so Din took his clothes to go to the
As for Pong, he put his bag on the table to sit down and write a few more reports he had left.
After a while, Din finished the bath.

" Pong, today I want to be only in my underwear. " said Din.

Pong glanced slightly, before continuing the report.

" All good. " Pong said.

Usually he forces Din to wear a T-shirt, but there will be times when Din asks
him to take it off because of the heat. Pong decided not to say anything, but if
he wants to strip down to his underwear, he has to say it first.

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