CHAPTER twenty

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"It's because of you. If you had responded to your brother from the
beginning, your younger brother would not have misunderstood this way. "
Miles said, not very loudly.

" I was too lazy to answer. So you can't scold me, right? "Phat asked.
Miles frowned.

"It's okay, I'm hungry now. "  Miles interrupted, as he approached to take a
look at the hot dishes that Phat served.

"It's already hot, let's eat." Phat said, before the two sat down to eat together
until they were full.

Both then helped themselves to wash the dishes and went up to the
bedroom. Miles heard his cell phone ring, but as soon as he entered the
room, the sound stopped.
Miles picked it up and saw that it was his sister's number that was calling,
so he pressed the call button.

"  And there?" Miles greeted his sister.

(" When are you coming back?"), Mint's voice rang out.

"Tomorrow morning, is there anything urgent?" Miles asked.

(" It's not urgent, but I have a job tomorrow night. A friend of mine came and
told me all of a sudden. His younger sister got married, so he wanted a
photographer to take pictures of the event."), Mint said.

"Jay, how many times have I told you not to take that kind of rush job again?
What if I'm going far away and can't get back in time?"  Miles mumbled lightly
to his sister.

(" Oh, don't complain too much. Did you buy me some souvenirs?"), Mint
asked to change the subject.

" I bought it, when I come back I'll go home first. I'll take things to Mom and
Dad. " said Miles to his sister.

(" Hmm, that's okay. Mom and Dad are complaining about you too. Come
back so they can see your face. ")
Mint answered.

(" So where are you sleeping?"), Mint asked curiously.

"At the Ai'Phat's house. " Miles replied, looking at Phat lying on the bed and
watching TV.

Miles went outside to talk on the porch. Phat knew Miles was talking to his

(" How is this relationship going? Did you guys fight again?" ), Mint asked

"What relationship do we have? I'm just traveling with him. He took a break
from the fights. "  Miles said with a slight smile.

(" So Phat's is good to you?")
Mint asked again, smiling slightly.

"He's being good, dammit. He is much calmer than in the beginning. Or
maybe it's because he lives with his parents and didn't want to pick a fight
with me, I don't know. " Miles said.

(" Are you starting to feel good about Phat yet?") Mint asked curiously.

"In what sense?" Miles asked back, knowing very well what his sister meant.q

(" You like what's going on.") Mint said with a light laugh.

" Woah! It's late, you can sleep now. See you tomorrow. "  Miles cut the line
before hearing his sister's screams, but Miles cuts the call.

The slender figure gave a heavy sigh, before heading back to the bedroom.

"P' Mint?" Phat raised his eyebrows and asked shortly.

"Um, she called to tell me that i have an event tomorrow night. " Miles said
back, but wondered why he had to tell Phat he had an event.

" Where? "  Phat asked again.

"I don't know, we haven't discussed any details yet. AllI know is that I'm
going to take pictures at the wedding. " Miles said back.

" What time will it be? " Phat continued asking, making Miles smile slightly.

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