Chapter Six

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I felt something shift next to me. I opened my eyes and found Jace. He looked so cute when he sleeps. I started to rise but his hand around my waist tightened. He’s like a little baby sleeping with his teddy bear.

It took me a few minutes to pry his hands off my waist, he was seriously strong. I’m surprised he didn’t wake up with all the grunts I was making. Finally, I had a little lee way so I slipped out, but had to replace the empty space with a pillow. He grabbed it and started to hug it, and by hug I mean crush. I chuckled.

I put my jeans on, and gathered up my belongings. I have school in a few hours, so I left Jace a note saying goodbye and that I left. I placed it on his nightstand.

Soon after that I left the mansion, and headed home. I couldn’t help but think about how nice it felt to sleep with him. I think that was the first night I didn’t have nightmares. I smiled to myself.

As soon as I reached home, I took a shower, brushed my teeth and got dressed for school. I don’t know why but I’m in a great mood, so I decided to wear something a little different. I put on an off-shoulder black and white long sleeve, American eagle dark blue jeans and some knee high black boots.

After that I headed downstairs, to make some breakfast. I micro waved some hot pockets, and got a water bottle. Before I could even open it my front door burst open. I looked to see who it was, and was surprised to find Jace.

“What are you…?”

“Why did you leave me Rose? I thought you were going to give us a try”

“What are you talking …?”

“I mean you left that note, and I almost died.”

“Wait Jace I think you’ve …”

“Please rose, whatever I did. Ill fix it; I’ll make you happy, I promise.”

“Jace! Just listen to me” I yelled. That shut him up

“I had to get ready for school, so I left you a note saying I had left. Okay! So you can relax, I’m still giving us a try.” His shoulders relaxed, and he stopped panting. Was he that scared that I’d run off.

“How did u get in here, I thought I locked the door.” I said.

“Oh ahm... Sorry, I kind of knocked it down.”

“What?!? You know you’re going to fix it right.” Geez, men these days. When they find out your leaving them, they knock down doors. I sighed

“Rose, can I ask you something. I know it’s a little fast but I still have to ask.”

“Yeah sure. What is it?”

“Can you meet my parents?” I just stared at him. Is he mad, me meeting his parents. That’s well… well just insane.

“I don’t know Jace. I mean were not even dating yet.”

“Please Rose, they ask about you and it will make me so happy” he started to give me his puppy dog face. I always thought that face made people look ridiculous, but when he does it my heart melts.

“Alright, alright. But you have to take me on a proper date first.”

“Deal” Within seconds I was in his arms and we were racing through streets and neighborhoods.  When we stopped I looked around to check my surroundings and found that I wasn’t in my town anymore. Actually it looked liked I wasn’t in Michigan anymore.

“Where are we?” I asked

“In my kingdom.”

“Wow! It’s beautiful.” There were flowers everywhere, and they sky was such a clear blue. While marveling at the sky, I saw something like dark smoke.

“Jace what is that smoke?” his face dropped

“That is the smoke of burning burning bodies.”

“Burning bodies? Why would there be burning bodies”

“Because Rose, we are at war. Whenever we catch traitors we kill them and burn their bodies.” He wasn’t looking at me anymore. He was staring at his hands.

“Oh. Do you want to talk about it?” I asked

“No, not right now. Not when were supposed to be having our date. Let’s just go.” He didn’t even wait for my reply, he just scooped me up and we were on our way again. The next time he put me down we were next to a lake. I turned around to tell him how beautiful everything was but he was nowhere to be found. I was spinning in circles.

“Are you done?” someone said laughing. I stopped turning and saw Jace with a picnic basket in his hand.

“Yeah” I blushed. We sat down and he opened the basket. I never knew that much food could be stored in such a small basket.

“Why is there so much food in there?”

“I didn’t exactly know what you liked so I packed different varieties.” It was his turn to blush. He looked so cute.

“So… Rose tell me about yourself. I couldn’t help but noticed that in your house there were no pictures of your family.” I knew that it would come sooner or later. I sighed

“If you don’t want to answer, it’s alright. I didn’t mean to pry …” Might as well tell him now before he finds out somewhere else.

“My family was murdered.” I said looking down

“I’m so sorry Rose I didn’t know.”

“Listen I don’t want sympathy okay.” I said

“I don’t sympathize you Rose. Is it so bad that I hurt when you do?” I’ve never heard it put like that before.

“I guess not” I said quietly.

“Do you want to talk about it? If it hurts too much you don’t have to.”

“I’ve never told anyone my feelings about what happened. It’s kind of been harboring in me, so yeah I guess I do want to talk about it. Okay …” I sighed and jumped in.

“My family was murdered January 21st last year, I was just sixteen. I came home late one night after partying with some friends, and found my parents lying on the floor dead. Everything was so red; I couldn’t believe any sane person would kill so ruthlessly. After that I went upstairs to find my brother and sister also dead. They were just five, how could someone kill kids. They were just children.” I took a breath. “After that day it got around the neighborhood that my family had been murdered. People started avoiding me and talking behind my back. People even started to say that death was following me. I think it’s true sometimes, because if I hadn’t gone out that night I would be dead. There would be and empty casket in the ground for me too. No one wanted to get close to me because they thought that they might get cursed or die or whatever the rumor said. After that I just stayed by myself. I was my only friend.” I didn’t tell him that I cried every night or that I would visit there grave site every Saturday. That was just too personal.

I stopped and looked at him. He didn’t say anything; he just got up and gave me a bear hug.

I think that was the best response anyone has ever given me.



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