Chapter Nineteen

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"Okay were here!" Christian yelled with enthusiasm. I looked around and saw nothing except an empty vacant forest.

"And were exactly are we." Jace said with a little sarcasm.

"Were at the underground society." Christian said.

"I don't see anything, but some raggedy ass trees Christian. I knew we couldn't trust you. I bet were lost! We are aren't we-"

"Shut up Jace. You're supposed to be king and you can't even tell when there's glamour." Jace looked embarrassed.

I took a closer look at the forest and found that the image of the trees looked a bit cloudy.

"Alright let's go, but before I do, Rose do not speak to anyone. Especially the gypsy's, there full of shit, everything that they say is crap." Gypsies?  "Oh and Jace don't wonder off, I know you might be tempted but try to keep your childish instincts at bay." I giggled.

"Christian shut it."

"Ok lets go" I said trying to break the ice. I took a few steps forward and was pulled back by two hands. I turned around to see Jace and Christian. They had their I'm-serious-face-on.

"Let Christian walk in front" Jace said.

"And Jace will walk in back. We don't want anything to happen to you." Christian said. In that moment I could see or better, I could feel what he really meant. He didn't want me getting hurt like I did before. I smiled at him.

"Ok let's go" Jace said interrupting our moment.

I nodded.

Christian went first. Once he went through the forest it was my turn, I took one step at a time until I passed the invisible wall. It felt like I was being splashed with cold water.

As soon as I came out on the other side, a commotion of noise erupted. I looked around to see if anyone else noticed. All I found was the giggling faces of Jace and Christian.

"What's so funny?"

"Your face." Jace laughed.

"Don't worry about the noise you'll get used to it" Christian said. He turned and started walking. I looked around and marveled at the place. It was like a huge town, with a ton of stores and shops thrown in.

All of a sudden something floated by me. I looked up to find someone or something flying. They had these beautiful purple and blue wings.

"Christian what is that?"

"That is a fairy. There are all types of magical creatures here. Werewolves, witches and almost anything else you can imagine."

"It's amazing." I said in awe.

"Don't be fooled by their looks Rose. Some of them are evil little bastards." Jace said grabbing on to my waist. I saw Christians clench his jaw.

"Ok lets go." He said grabbing me away from Jace.

Awkward much.


After an hour we arrived at an inn. It was owned by a witch. I had asked Jace if we could trust her. He said she's a white witch, and there usually peaceful.

"I presume you will be needing two rooms" she had asked us.

"No, we'll share one room." Jace said.

"I don't think so. We have a strict policy with men in one room, and women in the other. Prince or not, policy is policy." She didn't even wait for a reply she just opened her palm and there appeared two sets of keys. She then led us upstairs to our rooms.

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