Chapter Fifteen

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After Christian and I finished talking, I kicked him out because one I needed to think about things and two it was just too awkward to be around him. He acted as if everything was fine, like nothing happened between us. I guess he truly doesn’t care about me in ‘that way’.

I walked sullenly to the bed, flopped in it and went to sleep.  That night I didn’t have nightmares of my family’s death, but of my own.


I awoke to a thundering noise.   Ugh who could it be now? I got up, headed to the door and opened it. Without an invitation Christian waltzed right in.

“What do you think you doing?” I asked while rubbing the sleep out of my eyes.

“I think I have a lead on the vamp you’re looking for.”  He said smiling. I couldn’t help but feel a window of hope open up in me. I must’ve looked like an idiot because my smile reached the corners of my eyes. I can’t believe we have a lead. That means I can finally have closure.

“We have to leave by tonight, so pack your shit.” He said, turning his smile into his normal nonchalant face.

What?!? Tonight? It’s so soon. I couldn’t help but feel scared.

“Do we have to leave so soon? We can’t wait another week or so?”

“Are you serious? We finally have a lead on this guy and you’re talking about staying in this bullshit castle for another week. I guess you aren’t serious about this …”

“Of course I’m serious about this! Christian this is my life, I’m just a little …” I don’t think I can tell him I’m scared. He would probably laugh at me.

“Just a little what?”

“Nothing, your right. Just give me an hour or so to pack my things.”

“Ok, and about Jace, I think you shouldn’t tell him that your leaving.” I nodded my head.  It would probably be best if he doesn’t know. I don’t want him stressing over me when he has a kingdom to run.

After Christian left and I packed my things, I plopped on the bed. This is it! I might actually find this guy, but when I do what am I going to do about Christian. I don’t want him in the line of fire when I confront this vamp. I thought about it for a long time and I figured that when I get the information I need, I’m going to sneak off without Christian.


It was approximately twelve O’ clock on the dot. This was the time Christian said he would meet me in the center of the garden.

“Where is he? I can’t believe he would choose this occasion to be late for. What a douche …”

“No need for foul language Rose.” I turned around and found Christian smirking. Great, he’s been there watching me talk to myself like a lunatic.

“Ok let’s go Rose. I don’t want any of the guards to catch us out here.” He led the way and I followed.

“Ok coming up is a hole in the fence, and be careful when crossing it. I know you can be a klutz.” I didn’t even respond. He went under first; he made it seem like a breeze. The fence’s edges looked as sharp as a knife. It was my turn now, and I placed my foot through it and I was so close to getting my whole body through, when I was dragged back.

I started kicking and screaming, but my efforts were futile, because the stranger put his hand over my mouth, and spun me around so I was now facing two golden eyes.  Jace!?

“Rose it’s me. Don’t scream when I move my hand ok.” I nodded. As soon as he removed his hand I slapped him on his arm.

“What do you think you’re doing? Scaring me like that. You could’ve given me a heart attack.”

“I’m sorry” he said while laughing.

 I looked at him for the first time and wondered why he’s not upset at me for sneaking out. I took the liberty to ask. I opened my mouth but was cut off by him saying “I know what you’re about to say. Why am I not angry, well one I can never be angry at you and two I’ve decided that if you won’t stay with me, then I’ll just have to go with you.”

“But who’s going to run the kingdom? You can’t just up and leave …”

“Don’t worry about it; I have someone who’s fully capable of running a kingdom in my absence. Plus now I can see firsthand why there have been so many uprisings.”

“Ok, but what about Christian. I’m positive he won’t like this idea –”

“Rose where are you?”

“Speak of the devil” Jace muttered. As soon as Christian made eye contact with Jace and me, he sprinted towards us and pushed Jace into the fence. I ran to Christian, and tried to separate his hands away from Jace’s throat.

“Christian stop! He’s here to help.” Christian still didn’t let go. Jace’s eyes started to have a foggy look. Jesus! He’s killing him. I couldn’t take it anymore.

“Christian let Jace go NOW!” I yelled. Without hesitation Christian released him. I ran to Jace and helped him to his feet. I looked up at Christian and said “What is wrong with you. You almost killed him!”

His eyes burned through me. “Is there something wrong with that? Whatever, if you’re still coming let’s go. Or do you want me to just leave the two love birds alone.”

“Were not …” I didn’t know how to finish the sentence. I did like Jace, but I also liked Christian. Without waiting Christian walked away, and didn’t even give me a second look. I sighed. I looked down at Jace and he seemed to be coming to.

“Jace are you ok?”

“I’m fine Rose, the only reason that mongrel had the upper hand was because I haven’t eaten yet.”

 He shot to his feet and said “Let’s go.”

He then picked me up bridal style. “Wait what are you doing?”

“I’m not about to let you crawl through that fence like a dog.”

“Then what-” I couldn’t finish my sentence because Jace had jumped about 20 feet in the air. I clung to him for dear life.

I hadn’t even realize we had landed until Jace said “Rose were on the ground now.” I opened my eyes and realized he wasn’t lying. I was about to jump out his arms, when I felt this dark energy. I turned my head around until my eyes found what I was looking for.

It was Christian. I wonder how I must look to him right now. As soon as I jumped out Jace’s arms, Christian turned and started walking.

This is going to be one eventful adventure. I sighed and followed.

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