Chapter Seven

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After I let all my feelings out, I felt so much better. I looked at Jace to see if he was having as much fun as I was, but he looked as if he was in deep thought.

"Jace are you alright" he didn't respond.

"Jace!" I started to wave my hand back and forth in front of his face, but all I got was a blank stare. So I said "Fine, I guess since you don't want to talk to me, I'll go talk to Erik." I started to rise, but was pulled right back down by two strong hands.

"Your not going anywhere." He said while looking at me intensly. I didn't know he would get so serious, guess I have to remeber never to play jokes on him again.

"Jace you were staring off into space."

"Yeah, sorry about that. I was thinking about something." His face became all serious like again.

"Well what is it. It has to be important for you to be so out of it."

He hesitated for a second.

"Rose, I don't think you want to hear what I have to say."

"Well I think I do. So spit it out." There was a long break where we were just staring at each other before he said "I think I know who killed your family. I'm not sure, but I think I got the right guy." My body went stiff.

"Who?" My voice was as cold as ice.

"I think it was one of the escaped prisoners. And he wasn't just any ordinary prisoner, he was the general to our enemy army. I think it was him because his style of killing usually results in a lot of bloodshed, and he usually doesn't leave much of a body for people to recognize. Although ..." I zoned out. I didn't want to hear anymore.

A vampire murdered my family ...

"Why did he choose my family." I spit out.

"I don't think you were his specific target, I think they might have just been in the way."

So my family was killed becuase they were "just in the way". I felt tears coming. I didn't cry becuase I was sad, it was becuase I was angry.

"So my family was murdered all becuase some stupid general thought they were in the way. You speak of it so lightly, as if I wasn't robbed of a family!" I half-yelled, half-screamed.

"Rose I ..." I didn't let him finish.

"They were murdered becuase of your stupid war."

"Rose listen ..."

"NO, you listen. Do you know what I've been through all becuase some asshole murdered my family. He has some nerve. And you ... You had the audasity to turn me into a vampire, matter a fact a monster! The deal is off. I don't want to see your face." I could literally hear his heart break. I couldn't stop the words that were coming out of my mouth, I know it was hurtful. But I was hurt. it was like word vomit, It just kept on coming.

"I don't want to be married to you anymore, its over." I stood up, and so did he. He held out his hands, trying to reach for mine, but I retracted them.

"Rose its not my fualt" he said.

"Yeah, bullshit" I didn't wait for a responce, I just sped off with amazing speed. Never once looking back.


When I reached home I ran straight up to my room and cried. I couldn't believe a vampire killed my family. I don't know if Jace thought it would give me clousure, it didn't. It made matters worse. My tears were like a waterfall now.

I stripped all my clothes off, ran into the shower and cried some more.

"How could this have happened." I dropped to the shower floor. I'm so alone and scared and I feel so weak and ... "


I'm a vampire! How could I forget, I mentally kung-fu'd myself. I stood up abruptly. How could I call myself a McHale. I would put my parents to shame if they saw how I was acting now. They didn't raise any cowards. Our modo would always be 'Fight on, even when you think your gonna lose.'

Well I'm going to fight back. I'm going to find that vampire, and avenge my family, even if it kills me.

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