Lesson in Love

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I made this a collection of OneShots (only Gruvia)

You might have read this story already :D


'First of all, you can't stalk someone you like. A man wants his personal space', Mirajane held up her finger in a motherly way, correcting Juvia's behavior.

Juvia wrote down the first tip she received.

Juvia was new in the guild. It seemed everyone forgave her for the attack with Phantom Lord. Some people had trouble accepting her in the beginning, or they didn't know how to talk to the rainwoman. Especially because she was hiding most of the time behind a pillar. Besides, she only showed up if there was a possibility Gray would come.

After a while she came to the guild even if Gray was on a quest with team Natsu. Mirajane wanted to bond with the new woman and asked her if she wanted some help to win over a special someone's heart.

In the beginning Juvia insisted she didn't need help, but Mirajane assured her she knew Gray for a long time and knew what he liked and disliked. In other words, Juvia was convinced and sat now down at a table in the library of Fairy Tail.

'But if Juvia doesn't stalk, how is Gray-sama going to know that she wants to spend time with him?'

'You have to be more flirty, like this...'. Mira took one of her cute poses that belonged in the sorcerer magazine. 'I'd like to go out, would you like to go with me on a date?' She asked in an embarrassed voice.

'And that would work?' Juvia asked.

'I'm sure of it', Mira confirmed.

'Juvia isn't sure she can do that.'

'Of course you can. You just need a little bit of practice.' Mira smiled. Somehow that smile encouraged Juvia and she stood up.

'Gray-sama', she squeaked in a high pitched voice while cupping her own cheeks. 'Juvia wants a date with you'. It was an attempt to sound cute, but it came out unnatural.

'Hahaha', Mirajane's sweat dropped. It looked ridiculous, it was really out of character. 'Almost, maybe it would look better if you do it like this...'

Mirajane and Juvia practiced for a while till Erza and Lucy walked in.

'What are you doing?' Lucy asked while walking down the stairs with Erza behind her.

'Juvia isn't going to share her secrets with her love-rival', Juvia crossed her arms.

'I'm giving her what tips to conquer Gray's heart', Mira answered in honest truth.

'Mira-san! Juvia didn't want love-rival to know', Juvia puffed her cheeks.

'I think it's a wonderful idea' Erza gave Juvia a pat on the back. 'It's a good change to practice something different then our strength and magic'. Erza suddenly got a sparkle in her eyes. 'I've decided! I'm going to join'.

She changed to a more casual shirt with skirt, instead of the regular armor.

'Great', Mirajane told Erza. After that she turned to Juvia. 'Besides, I don't think you have to be afraid of Lucy.'

'How come?'

Mira walked closer and whispered in Juvia's ear; 'I suspect that Lucy has her eyes set on Natsu.'

'What did you say about me?' Lucy rapidly walked to Mirajane and grabbed her shoulders.

'Nothing', she got an evil grin.

Lucy looked at Juvia. 'Don't believe whatever she said!'

'So Lucy does love Gray-sama?' Juvia asked angry.

'Was that all?' Lucy asked Mirajane. 'In that case... Mirajane didn't lie.'

Mira clapped her hands to get the girls attention. 'Now that's settled, let's continue. I was just explaining to Juvia that men like Gray appreciate their peace. Maybe it would help if yo-'

'What about me?' Gray stood on top of the stairs and looked down at the four women.

'Gray-sama!', Juvia yelped in surprise and started to blush but quickly recovered. Men like Gray-sama want peace. 'Juvia is glad to see that Gray-sama is doing well. Juvia assumes the quest went well'. She folded her hands. Everyone looked at the rainwoman. She seemed more calm, more classy and it reminded Gray of their fight. In the beginning she acted the same way and he didn't like it.

'Yeah, it went well...What are you all doing?' he asked the women. Maybe that would explain why Juvia acted the way she did.

'The question is: why are you here?' Mirajane asked the ice-mage.

He shrugged. 'Nothing important... We just split the reward, Lucy'. He threw a bag with jewels down and the celestial-spirit mage catched it. 'Here is your cut.'

'Thank y-', Lucy stopped mid sentence as she felt Juvia glaring at her.

'Good luck with... whatever this is', Gray was about to walk away when Erza stopped him saying; 'We are just giving some dating advice.'

'Dating advice? For who?'

'Juvia', Erza kept the conversation rolling. Even though the others tried to sign her to stop.

Juvia wanted to sink in the floor... If the floor would've allowed her too, she would probably have turned to water and disappeared for at least week in the cracks. But sadly enough, the ground was smooth. There was no way to escape.

'Is there someone you like?' Gray asked Juvia, suddenly interested. (It did explain her strange behavior after all)

Juvia stared at the ground as she nodded with a slight blush on her cheeks.

'That's stupid', he sounded deadly serious. Juvia looked up at him with shock.

'Wh- what?' she was able to stutter.

'Well, no one should change for someone else. He doesn't deserve you if you'd need to change first... I don't think you should change', Gray mumbled the last part in a lower voice.

Juvia stared at him with her mouth wide open till Gray knocked on the wooden railing and said; 'anyway, it's not my business. Have fun.'

He was about to leave till... 'Wait! Juvia is coming too'. She grabbed her bag and ran upstairs.

'Don't want to practice?' Gray asked surprise.

'No Gray-sama is right. Juvia is sure her love will be answered if she stays the way she is'. She flashed him a big smile.


The two kept talking as they left the library. Leaving Erza, Lucy and Mirajane alone to gossip about the event that just unfolded right in front of their eyes.

It wasn't till later that night, that Gray wondered why they were talking about him before he walked in.

Gruvia Oneshot Collection- Growing LoveWhere stories live. Discover now