Even if poor, you dont make me feel sore

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Butters POV:

"Oh gee I can't wait to go over to Eric's house!" I say to myself as I pull a white T-shirt over my head and zip up my usual teal jacket. Eric had told me that he wanted to play a different game with me today and I couldn't be more excited about it!

I mean he has been acting a lot more kinder nowadays and that makes me happy because he hasn't been fighting with Kyle a lot recently which is really surprising and he also hasn't called me a mean nickname in like a week! I don't know why he's been acting so nice lately but whatever it is, oh golly it sure is doing a swell job at making him a better person!

I head downstairs and tell my mom and dad that I'm heading off to Eric's house and they say okay and goodbye, so I say goodbye back and walk through the snowy ground and make my way towards Eric's house.

On the way there I couldn't help but feel even more excited when a sudden realization formed in my mind, oh gee, tomorrow is Valentines day! A soft blush formed on my cheeks, because then I can finally let Kenny know how I feel about him tomorrow!

I was going to ask Eric if he could give me some advice and maybe even ask Tweek if he could give me some advice aswell. I began to giggle a little bit to myself, because I was in love with Kenny and I want to make tomorrow really sweet and special for him.

It didn't take long for me to reach Eric's house because we are actually neighbors and we live close by, so when I knocked on the door and Eric answered quickly pulling me inside, I wasn't surprised.

We have been haning out a whole lot now and this was a pretty normal thing for Eric to impatiently pull me inside his house, so we can begin to play whatever game comes to mind or really what game Eric had in mind. I smiled at him and asked "why hello Eric what was this new game you wanted to play?", Eric told me it was a surprise and to just follow him up to his room.

I listened and followed him up the stairs slightly nervous because of past times where Eric had tricked me but then I suddenly remembered his nice behavior lately and calmed down.

When we reached his bedroom door he slowly opened it and I stood at the doorway surprised. In his room was a decently long table with a white table cloth, a China tea set, napkins, Eric's dolls and a small vase with a baby blue rose in the middle of the table. "Oh hamburgers are we having a tea party!" I asked excitedly, "y-yeah but don't you dare tell anyone about this, Butters!" Eric said sounding a bit embarrassed.

I promised him I wouldn't tell a soul and then sat down at the neatly put together table and rested my hands on my lap. Eric smiles at me and begins to "pour" me a cup of tea and I lift the China cup in my hand while sticking my pinky out then said "why thank you Eric!" We continued to make small talk, make a few jokes, "refill" our teacups once in a while and "poured" a cup for the dolls every now and then.

Time was passing and I really wanted to ask Eric about my confession, my hands began to feel clammy and I shuffled uncomfortably on the chair. Eventually I gulped and asked him "h-hey Eric do you think you could..umh maybe help me with something?" I asked scared, "oh, sure Butters what do you need?" He replied sounding confused and curious.

"I... um was.. p-planning on confessing to... a um.. s-special someone tomorrow and I... was wondering..... if you can give me advice... on what my crush might like so....... I can make tomorrow special for them because of how special they are to me!!! I responded becoming flustered. "Woah there Butters of course I can help you" Eric said smiling at me very brightly.

Wow I've never seen him so happy before.. was it something I said? I thought confused but I quickly pushed the thought out of my head because I was too happy about Eric being on board with helping me out with my confession to care too deeply.

I return the bright smile and get up from my seat and hug Eric in a gentle but firm embrace, his forehead feels so warm I hope he's not sick!!! I thought for a second. Eric hugs me back with his much bigger hands patting my back, after a minute we break away from the hug and Eric then begins to drop a few ideas on me for my confession.

"Okay so I think you should draw them one of your cute drawings as a nice card or something and maybe buy them their favorite snack?" Eric told me, I smile at him because it was a really good idea, Kenny has always enjoyed my art and liked any snack I'd give him at our past sleep overs.

Oh right...me and Kenny haven't spoken with each other in forever.... I had just realized how distant me and Kenny have been since we started high-school, I mean sometimes I'd try to talk to him but Eric would just say he's probably having family issues at home and doesn't want to be bothered and making Kenny feel awful sore would be one of the last things I'd ever want to do.

I guess Eric could tell my mood had went down because he placed his hand over mine and told me that whoever my crush is will definitely love me back. This made me smile and I took his chubby hand in both of mine and thanked him.

"Oh and um Butters who is your crush anyway?" He asked sounding nervous and curious at the same time, my cheeks warmed up and a soft blush formed over my face turning it into a light tint of pink.

"Well um Eric... it's K-" I was then interrupted mid sentence by the sound of knocking on the front door. Eric scowled and got up to go into the hallway so he could shout out for his mom to go answer the door.

I rushed over to the window and saw a small, blonde, boy in a orangeparka shivering and grasping onto both of his arms. Oh gee Kenny's here!!!! I smiled happily at the sight of the small orangeparka friend outside of the window before sitting down again to wait for Eric to return.

1169 words~ May 25th, 2023

Hey guys sorry I haven't posted a new update in forever so I made sure to make this a extra lengthy chapter-
Crab Caviar~ 🦀

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