a-myung...im so sorry

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Yoonjong looked apon all the corpses of the proud disciples of mount hua...nearly all the disciples other then tang soso, baekchun, yu iseol, Jo geol, him and a handful of disciples could be seen alive. The elders were fatily injured and the sect leader was panicking.  But yoongjong and the rest...they were desperate.  They roamed the battlefield , hoping to find a particular face, one that had greatly helped them in this war...one that delivered the final blow. They searched desperately screaming his name "CHUNG MYUNG" they all screamed ,yoonjong was on the brink of collapsing, his breath heavy and his breaths getting shorter by the minute, he was shaking. He held his broken arm while tears flew down his face..."a-myung...a-myung..." he kept saying .

Then...as he stopped to catch his breath he looked down... his eyes widening "Chung-myung?..." he muttered he burst into tears falling down to his knees , he screamed "CHUNG YUNG" he screams alerting the disciples near by, yoonjong picked up his sajaes body and started to sob uncontrollably,   chung myung was on the brink of death...he was....

His arm detached from his body and multiple stab wounds inflicted. As Jo geol and the others looked at the sight their hearts dropped, chung myungs eyes were slightly opened but there was no longer light in them. Chung myung smiled, as he said something that would ring into their heads for decades to come "sayhung...you..." their hearts plunged into the endless abyss as yoonjong kept cradling chung myung in his arms, his heart in the depths of despair, "a-myung..." chung myungs eyes opened as tears started to flow through everyone's eyes"sayhungs...you darn brats...I told you I wouldn't be here forever..." he said "you...are....my...pride, I'm proud of you all"

"A-myung...a-myung" yoonjong kept muttering. Chung myung used his remaining hand to cling to yoonjongs shoulder as he said "gege..." chung myung replied. Yoonjongs eyes opened farther as chung myung smiled at him "I...always...thought...of you as my older brother...yoonjong sahyung" he smiled as his arms went limp and his eyes squeezed shut.

He was gone.

The last words that left chung myung mouth replayed inside yoonjongs mind, his eyes still widened.

5 years later

Mount hua sect grew...it was one of the ten great sects, it was most recognised for the 4 sword of mount hua. Though...almost everyone forgot about the 5th...

yoonjong entered a dark room, it was made of millennium steel.

Following him were Jo geol, yu iseol, and baekchon.  As they kneeld down at the altar infront of then bowing "happy birthday...a-myung" yoonjong said. "Elder brother...I hope you live well" chung myungs spirit responds.  "A-myung...I'm so sorry"

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