Chapter Two

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Canada always wondered why his father was so sad. In the mornings, he would grab a cup of coffee, and stare out the window. In the afternoon, he would go on walks with Canada. But there was tension. A certain pain in REC's gaze. In the nights, they would tell happy stories to each other. Canada liked those the most. On some rare nights, his father would even smile.

"I'm going to visit Portugal," Canada told him one morning.

"Have fun," REC called.

Canada bounded out of the house, eager to visit his friend. Portugal had lost her father during the Gold War, and only really had her grandfather to look after her. REC had somehow become a friend to her father, and introduced Portugal and Canada to each other after the Portuguese Empire's death.

"Portugal! Want to go to the creek today? We might find toads!" Canada called outside his friend's house.

"Absolutely! Let's go!" a voice called back.

"Be careful out there! Don't touch anything poisonous," the stern voice of the Kingdom of Portugal said.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever you say," Portugal rolled her eye as she emerged from the house. They hopped down to the forest together, laughing as mud covered their shoes and legs. Canada brushed the grass with his fingers as Portugal ran ahead.

Oh, how he loved the forest. The yellowish green lights filtering in from the canopy above. The birds, unseen in the branches, singing their hearts desires out into the world. The way that nothing seemed to matter at the bottom of the forest floor.

Soon, he could hear the sound of running water. He emerged to his favourite river in the entire world—although it was also the only river he'd ever been to. Regardless, he was certain that there was no river better than this.

"Canada!" Portugal's worried voice called. Canada hurried over to where the green and red country was huddled. She scooted over and pointed to a small, brown shape. It was an injured toad, the back of its leg was crushed.

"Oh no..." he whispered. The toad tried to scurry away, but Canada cupped it in his hands. He didn't know what to do next. Maybe they could take it back to the Kingdom of Portugal and hope he could fix the leg? But it seemed so weak. It hardly struggled when he picked it up. It wouldn't survive the trip.

"Will it be okay?" Portugal asked. Canada nodded, despite knowing that the toad likely wouldn't be okay. A tingling feeling started to appear in his hands.

Suddenly, the toad inside of his hands hammered into his fingers, shocking him. He dropped it, and it hopped into the water. Its leg looked... perfectly fine.

Portugal gasped, staring at Canada. "You got your power! You can heal toads!" She cried happily. Canada stared down at his hands in awe.

"I can heal toads..." he breathed. As he started to smile, a sharp pain in his leg distracted him. "Ow!" He hissed, clutching his leg.

"What is it?" Portugal said in worry. It felt like his leg was being slowly crushed, and he rushed to check what was happening, pulling up his pant leg. But no wound showed on his skin. It was unscarred, despite the terrible pain that gripped him.

"I don't know! My leg hurts really bad!" Canada sobbed. Portugal held his hand, and looked deep in thought.

"I think your power comes with a price," she started. "You feel whatever pain the toad did."

"Oh," he hissed in pain again, but then started to feel the pain ebb away. He sighed with relief. "It's gone. The pain."

"Phew. Let's go back to our houses. Tell your dad about your power! I'm sure he'll be very happy to hear that you got it!" Portugal said.

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