Chapter Forty

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The Crown of the Kingdom of Poland took flight, surveying her surroundings. Where was the Grand Duchy of Lithuania? She didn't want her to die too...

There! Fighting against the Russian Empire, with that familiar sneer on her face.

As CKoP swooped closer, something crashed into her, causing her to start losing altitude quickly. She spun in the air, flapping her wings frantically, before finally slowing her descent enough for her to land without breaking any bones.

She looked in the air, searching for the cause of her fall. She spotted a glint of ghostly blue armour. It reminded her of... no...

Her son.

The Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth.

The Roman Empire certainly loved to see his enemies suffer. That cruel bastard. As CKoP's son dove down to meet her, she placed her hand on her sword, contemplating. Fight her own offspring? Or die refusing to.

She knew what she wanted.

When PLC landed in front of her, brandishing his sword, she was ready. "Forgive me," she whispered to any part of him still left behind. His eyes didn't twitch. Not a hint of emotion behind those pools of black. His wings stayed flared, ready to attack. There was no indication that he heard her. There was only ROE.

CKoP rushed forward suddenly, trying to take her son—no, this wasn't her son anymore—off guard. PLC brought his sword up, the metal glinting with a sudden strike of lightning. CKoP didn't let it distract her, and brought the sword down on her enemy.

PLC rolled to the side and tried to strike her side, but just barely missed. Instead, all his sword hit was a singular feather, which was immediately sliced in half. CKoP turned around and faced PLC, waiting for him to make a move.

PLC stayed still, his unusual eyes glaring into his mother. CKoP avoided his gaze. This is not my son, she reminded herself. He was dead. For good. And this version of him will absolutely kill her.

"PLC...?" a quiet voice said behind her. Fuck. It was the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. CKoP turned around, just in time to see a sword flying towards her own face. She ducked, and it swished the air above her. The Russian Empire glared down at her, raising his sword to stab her again. CKoP scrambled away from him, making sure that she wasn't getting any closer to her dangerous son either.

As she sparred with RE, GDoL stared at their son. PLC slowly walked closer, his sword aimed at his mother.

"Lithuania, get away! He's not our son anymore!" CKoP yelled. But GDoL didn't listen. She was frozen in place.

"I won't fight you," she choked out to her long lost son. He didn't hear her.

CKoP took a blow to the knee from RE, and tried to focus on fighting him.

"Please come back," GDoL continued. PLC raised his sword. "Please."

CKoP paused time.

She tried desperately to move GDoL out of the way. Or to move PLC's sword away. But like usual, her power only allowed herself to move. So she stepped in between the two. She was not letting GDoL die.

She unpaused time.

The League of Lezhe easily dodged a swing from the Mali Empire, utilising his luck. But then, he spotted the Kingdom of France flying over to... the Western Roman Empire. Oh yeah. D-N had asked Lezhe to unchain her if it ever came to battle. He should go do that before KoF does anything.

The League of Lezhe quickly flew away from the Mali Empire and the Egyptian Empire, and dropped down on KoF's head, holding a dagger to his throat. KoF did not take that kindly, and hit Lezhe's forehead with the shaft of his sword. Lezhe fell backwards and rubbed his head, scrunching his face up in pain.

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