Chapter Forty-Eight

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A/N: Warning! Heavy depictions of gore, transphobia, and mentions of suicide. Read at your own risk <3

Red Ensign Canada looked over the Austrian Empire as his son rested, making sure there weren't any more injuries. Nearby, GE was fighting both the Granadas. He didn't need much help keeping them down, so everyone else was tending the injured countries that were brought over.

"D-N, you should head back. Who knows what's going on over there now that he is truly invincible?" The Portuguese Empire said. D-N nodded, copying PE's power and disappearing.

"Dad?" Canada said, his face dark. "I'm scared."

"Don't worry, kiddo," REC soothed, with what he could only hope was a comforting smile. "I won't let anything happen to you. And if you want, we can leave. I'm sure Denmark-Norway can defeat ROE without us—"

"No! I don't... I don't want to leave. But what if I can't help everyone?" Canada cried.

"You don't need to help everyone. Heck, you're doing so much to help right now! Don't beat yourself up, m'kay?" PE said, patting him on the shoulder. "You've got a good heart, and that's all that matters."

"Here, let's all say what we want to do when this is over. It'll help take our minds off things!" REC suggested.

"I want to play hide and seek!" Portugal said. "Now that I have a power, I'll finally beat you." She glared at PE, who grinned back.

"You'll never beat the hide and seek champion!" PE gloated. "But yes, I would enjoy just... having fun. Without any worries."

"I want to get a pet," Canada said.

"What type of pet?" REC asked warily.

"A toad, obviously."

"Of course. Who wouldn't want a toad?" REC said sarcastically. "Y'know what, why don't you show me what's so good about the forest you go to every day?"

Canada lit up. "I would love to!"

"I want to try coffee for once," PE sighed.

REC grinned. "Guess what I brought?"

"Coffee?" PE's eyes lit up slightly.

"No, I brought pierogies," REC said, rolling his eyes. "Yes, I brought coffee."

As PE's eyes brightened even more, REC heard something behind them. He turned quickly to find their least favourite country standing there.

The French Empire clawed at her head, nails digging into her skull as she shook with grief. It should have been her. France should have never died. Why didn't she warn her?

Flames erupted from her fingers, yet she didn't burn. She screamed, a long wail that tore through her throat. The flames around her grew. The grass withered and died.

FE... a voice said in her mind. You can get through this. You still have things to live for. Things to protect.

It was the Western Roman Empire.

What more is there in this cold world? She countered.

Canada. The Roman Empire is heading towards him to kill Denmark-Norway. Do you want him to die too?

No. FE dropped her arms to the ground, chest rising and falling as her anger flowed through her veins. Thank you.

The fire around her vanished abruptly, leaving her staring at the Kingdom of France, who was preoccupied with kicking BE in the stomach.

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