Chapter One: The Warrior's Daughter

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As the sun started to set, one could see the vast sea glinting with golden spangles from the sunlight, and directly ahead, spreading into the evening, were the twisting branches of the largest tree that any owl had ever seen, the Great Ga'Hoole Tree.
Within the Great Ga'Hoole Tree, there were ledges that hung like galleries above. There's a great gathering of owls — all kinds of owls from Burrowing owls to Barn Owls, from Pygmy Owls to Elf Owls, from Screech Owls to Sooty Owls, from Great Horned Owls to Snowy Owls. Every kind of owl imaginable was here of the great tree, their different colored eyes blinking and winking in the most friendly and inquisitive manner at any arrivals that have joined them.
It's honeycombed with passages of varying widths, all twisty and none seemed to go in a straight line. Off the passageways there were hollows of different sizes. Some were for sleeping, others for studying, some for stories and supplies. There were places along the way where small groups of owls gathered to socialize. These seem to be near the points where some of the larger branches of the tree joined the trunk. There were good-sized openings at these points so that the owls could either sit inside on specially constructed perches or outside on the branches themselves.
But there's a young barn owl who is still inside of her hollow. The barn owl soon revealed herself by the window. The barn owl has glossy golden-brown feathers with beige on her wings and white on her belly, though her striking eyes is the color of the stormy sea. The young owl is none other than Storm, the rescued daughter of the late warriors.
She has her nest on the left side of the hollow. There's a desk that held nothing, but three inkwells (black, royal blue, and purple) and a cloth for wiping the ink off her claws. An unlit basin, shining in the light of the window. A rack of books beside it was neatly labeled, and each book is the kind of book that every young owlet should own — history, adventure stories, ancient legends, encyclopedias in every territory, and fantasy stories all by her nest.
But she jumped in place when she suddenly heard a crash from one of her hollowmates (it's like roommates) and a loud "Hey!" She let out a weary sigh at the argument from next door. Unfortunately for her though, she has about four other owls living in the next to her hollow. She peeked into the two males' hollow to see them finishing their bickering.
"Hey Storm." She rolled her eyes and sighed inwardly at that confident voice coming up towards her, trying to ignore him. It belonged to another Guardian trainee. The young owl's name is Parzival. He is a brown Spotted Owl, with confident amber eyes. He is confident and extremely prideful. But ever since he first Storm, the young owl has it out to make fun of her and likes to boast to her all of the time.
"Hey Parzival." Storm glanced at the two young male owls. "Hey Shard."
"Sorry for surprising you, Storm." Shard is Parzival's best friend and they always have been since they started training together. Shard is a Great Horned owl, he has a brown facial disk and his brown feathers gleamed with gray and tan streaks, his warm golden eyes gleamed in the light and has a unique brown diamond on his chest. Unlike Parzival, Shard is calm and friendly. He had lost both of his parents to the Pure Ones and was brought to the Great Tree by the Guardians too, which led him into becoming a Guardian trainee too.
"What are you two bickering over now?" Storm asked them warily.
"Just reminding Parzival to quit agitating the librarian," replied Shard annoyed, while Parzival looked a little sheepish of the situation.
"Oh. Okay." Storm soon headed back to her hollow and when she remembered the ceremony of their chaw choosing ceremony, which will start at dusk. "Come on you two! It's time!"

The three owls were in the antechamber after they were called by the parliament. They were waiting to be admitting for their ceremony with Boron and Barran. There were candles and there's one long white branch that had been bent into a half circle and stood at the foot of the dais with shared branch with Boron and Barran. There's many ledges with branches, in which each has the owls of the parliament, no more than a dozen were sitting on. Storm spotted Astra, the Spotted Owl as the ryb of Navigation. Nearby is Strix Struma, the Short-eared owl as the ryb of Combat. She perched near to a Great Horned Owl named Bubo, who's the ryb of Collier. Storm's eyes soon rested on a old Whiskered Screech owl named Ezylryb, who is the ryb of Weather Interpretation. But, surrounding the parliament is the Guardians and the other owls who also live amongst the Great Tree.
"What chaw do you want to be in?" Storm snapped out of her thoughts and glanced at Shard.
She shrugged uncertainly. "I'm not sure." But, for some reason, she felt as if she was lying to herself slightly. Storm doesn't want to raise any hopes for the chaws that she might like.
"Storm, daughter of Magnus and Thyra; Shard, son of Grettir and Lygeia; and Parzival, son of Leo and Strix Estrella. Come forward."
The owls whose names had just been called forward looked at each other in surprise. Storm especially, was shocked and curious at the same time.
Ezylryb watched on from his perch intently, as the young owls stepped up to the King and Queen, and their council. Once they were all lined up and ready, Boron spoke again, his voice ringing through the hall with great power and might. "You are all young owls, with strong gizzards and the hearts to do what is right. After your arrival, you caught the eyes of many, including those of my mate and I. The council has agreed, that the five of you, will train to be Guardians. Effective immediately." The young owls looked at each other with shock and delight. "You will train hard and well. You will be mentored by each member of the council, and when you are truly ready and the time is right, you will be named as Guardians of the Tree. Now, go forth, celebrate with your loved ones. Training starts at dusk."
With that, the hall erupted into cheers, for the newly named trainees. Parzival descended from his perch to be congratulated by a number of owls. His parents came forth first, followed by his friends. He soon encouraged Shard to join his side.
Storm searched in vain for a sign of her family. I won't find them here, she reminded herself with a sinking heart. Thanks to those blasted Pure Ones, Storm's parents have passed away a few days after she had hatched.
With wishful thinking, Storm steeled her heart and remembered that some expectations leads to disappointment. She looked back at Soren hugging his family and tried to imagine herself in the same place, tried to convince herself that seeing her their joy would be the same as experiencing her own.
With a haze of joy, Parzival realized that his friends had stepped over to join him in his celebration with his family. Then Parzival gazed at where Storm still stood, alone.
She was smiling too, but in the midst of all these family reunions, she looked a little lost, as if unsure whether or not she should be allowed to join them. Parzival's smile wavered for a moment.
Her parents were gone. She would have no reunion here today. When she saw Shard's face, she smiled wider in an attempt to hide her sadness.
"Storm." She met Parzival's gaze and then his wary parents. She stepped back and looked away from them when she heard a new voice behind her, but she smiled when she felt her guardian, Strix Struma, place a wing over her shoulders. "I'm proud of you."
Storm smiled as the two of them both hugged each other eagerly. Ever since Storm had lost her parents to the Pure Ones, Strix Struma has adopted Storm and treated her as her own daughter.
Despite everything, Storm will do everything in her power to become a wonderful Guardian and return the honor in her family's name.

Legend of the Guardians: Guardians of Ga'Hoole: Storm's Story (Re-Wite)Where stories live. Discover now