Chapter Three: Eye of the Storm

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Torrents of rain poured down the forests outside of the town. The raindrops sounded like pebbles beating the ground. Dark thunderclouds swirled in the sky, flickering with swift lightning and rumbling with powerful thunder. It was late in the evening, the full moon peaked out of the departing dark thunderclouds. The stars sparkled like distant diamonds in the sky, while the sky is like dark sapphire blue velvet.
"Great Glaux, it's a mess out there," Parzival muttered.
Storm couldn't help, but admire the storm as she gazed at it. "I think it's amazing."
"It sure came here quick," said Shard quietly.
"Come on ya lot." The three young owlets jumped in place when they heard the hoarse voice of Ezylryb and they turned to see the old Screech owl joining them to watch the raging storm outside of the hollow. "It's time for y'all to learn how to really fly."
The three owlets glanced at each other, uneasy confusion went over their expressions.

They flew straight out over the Sea of Hoolemere. The storm was so fierce and the raindrops poured down on them strongly, but they could hear the crashing waves of the sea below them.
The winds seemed to come from every direction. They were constantly buffeted by confusing drafts. Storm banked and followed Ezylryb. Shard was in between the two. The Great Horned owl would get a boost from Storm's speed. But Parzival was becoming increasingly (and surprisingly) nervous about their flight within the great storm. Storm let out a small, but joyful screech as they continued their flight within the storm. At the center of the gale, the winds all seemed to flow like one great turbulent river.
"Feel the gutters!" Ezylryb flew in front of them as they flew through the storm. "The currents in the rain. A scupper! A swillage! Baggywrinkles!"
"Baggy what?" Shard and Storm looked at each other in confusion, but they continued flying through the storm.
"'Baggywrinkles?'" panted Parzival and flapped his wings twice as hard. "He could have at least given us a vocabulary list."
Storm rolled her eyes at Parzival's complaint for a vocabulary list. Ezylryb soon started flying around Parzival. "The air currents warm in different ways, you see......from the sky to the ocean. You can't fight them. You have to feel them with your gizzards."
Storm let out a small, but joyful screech as she continued her flight within the storm. At the center of the gale, the winds all seemed to flow like one great turbulent river.
But Ezylryb spotted a massive circle of water and Storm was the closest owl to it. "Aha! You see that one? Storm, see it! Go for it! Use your gizzard, girl. Trust it! Fly inside."
As Storm listens to her excited gizzard and fly inside, the air started to smooth out and the clammy warmth that had welled up from below subsided as a cooler layer of air floated up from the turbulent waters. But it poured on hard. A driving rain pushed by the winds slanted in at a steep angle. The sea below seemed to smoke from the force of the rain.
She hasn't drowned, and her flight within the storm seemed to flood her entire being with an extraordinary feeling. It was as if every single one of her feather shaft brimmed with this feeling of transcendent power. Joy filled her, a joy such as she had never felt since the first time she has flown. She flew back to where the others are at. Shard was beside her, amazement in his amber eyes.
"You were amazing, Storm." Shard churred softly. "You sure live up to your name, don't you?"
"Ha, ha, very funny," said Storm sarcastically.
"I nearly went yeep when I saw that," Parzival admitted. "That was mind blowing."
"Well done lass." It wasn't long till Ezylryb have joined them. His green eyes were warm with fierce pride as he stared at her. "You sure know how to listen to your gizzard lass."
By the next morning, Storm carefully used a talon plucked away the down fluff so she won't disturb anything. She cried out in amazement of what she saw in her nest. She found a molted feather and a shriveled body of a dried caterpillar.
She's part of the Combat Chaw and the Weather Interpretation Chaw.

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⏰ Last updated: May 25, 2023 ⏰

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