Chapter Two: Constellations

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They soon entered a classroom full of desks and chairs, but there's a chalkboard with the nine chaws. There's some alit green and blue lanterns glowing over their heads. It wasn't long till the Team Zym have sat down on their seats and watched as Ibis entered the room.
"Here at the Great Tree, everyone trains in different skills we call 'chaws'." King Boron pointed his stick to the chalkboard. "You'll study tracking, navigating, combat."
As the sun started to set, one could see the vast sea glinting with golden spangles from the sunlight, and directly ahead, spreading into the evening, were the twisting branches of the largest tree that any owl had ever seen, the Great Ga'Hoole Tree.
Storm flew out of her hollow to see the cloudless night sky before her. She looked around and found Astra waiting for them on the platform by herself. Storm landed near her on the platform, Astra acknowledged Storm with a warm smile and a proud nod. They both watched as the other trainees landed near them too. But Storm looked away from them, feeling nervous around the two owls.
But there was so much more to to learn. For a month now, she had many lessons — flying lessons, even work with battle claws. She and her hollow-mates had practiced with almost every chaw except for the navigation chaw, combat chaw, and weather interpretation chaw. It was led by the old Screech owl, Ezylryb. The members were considered among the fiercest and the bravest of the entire Great Tree, since they had to fly through all sorts of storms to gather important information for troops going into battle or on missions of search and rescue.
But now, on the darkest of nights, she was learning how to navigate from Astra.
"We shall begin with a few simple tracing exercises," Astra had announced when they had landed around on the platform. "The Great Glaux will soon rise. The time of the Little Raccoon has passed by this season, but a new beauty shall appear for the first time tonight." Astra used her talon to activate the machine to shine a beautiful golden light to outline the constellations overhead. "The Golden Talons. It's an unusual constellation, in this part of the world it shall come through the summer." Astra was a Spotted Owl who came from a very ancient ancestry of which she was intensely proud of. "I would like Storm to fly tail. Shard, you shall fly in the downwind flanking position. Parzival, I think I shall put you on my windward flank. Any questions?"
The large Spotted Owl rose in flight with the three young owls quickly maneuvering into their positions. Storm flew several lengths behind Astra so she won't be affected by the eddies curling off her broad tail.
Storm flew into the evening sky and flew a few feet away from her friends. She was joyfully aware of the wind in her feathers. She could taste the winter wind and smell the cold, endless sea pulsing and the snowy landscape below her. She heard the rush of the air as it parted to make room for her body.
She was soaring.
She pumped her wings up and down, enjoying the way they pushed the air around, currents tense and smooth as water, the tips of her wings brushing lightly against the sky. She stretched them out to their fullest wingspan, so that she could see the moon lightly shining on the whites and golds of the feathers under her wings.
Shades of sapphire and violet shimmered and shined, like a giant river had blanketed the sky and stretched out over the land. It was barely evening, but the stars started to sparkle brightly in the night sky. Despite the darkness of the night sky sky, they were so bright and clear like distant diamonds sparkling in the night. The stars sparkled like distant diamonds in the sky, while the sky is like deep sapphire blue velvet that sparkled nonstop. As the clouds cleared, a silver circle of the full moon had also appeared in the night sky.
"All right, class." Astra spoke in a calm, but strong voice. "Two points off to windward. Please note the first star of the Golden Talons rising."
Storm followed their gaze to see the legendary first star. But she felt herself gasped quietly in amazement at the beautiful sight before her. Thousands of stars glitter in the night sky, each shining to a rhythm of its own. One star is shimmering brighter than the others, a star that Storm will never forget in her earliest memories, it was an iridescent display of colors in a single embedded diamond.
Astra started telling them the names of the constellations — the Great Glaux, whose one wing pointed towards a star that never moved. There was another one called the Little Raccoon, and on summer nights, the Big Raccoon rose in the sky and seems to be dancing which earned the name of Dancing Raccoon. Another was called the Great Crow because it spread its wings in the early autumn skies. But on this night, they flew under the bright and starry wings of the Great Glaux.
"It's so beautiful," Storm whispered and was unaware that Astra was listening to her. "I wonder how other stars make such constellations."
"Look at the stars. The great owls of the past look down on us from those stars," Astra gently told Storm. "Whenever owls bond with each other as friends or family, new constellations can be made in the night sky after they did something great and noble."
Storm looked up at the stars, trying to find the constellations of her fallen parents. But no such luck. Shard gazed at her empathetically and sympathetically. He spread his wings to its fullest wingspan and lightly touched Storm's wing, a sign of gentle friendship and comfort. In which she appreciates.
The four owls flew on through the night, practicing mostly tracing the Golden Talons. But to Storm, it felt like they have just entered another world. But as morning have started to rise, Astra led her class back to the Great Tree.

Legend of the Guardians: Guardians of Ga'Hoole: Storm's Story (Re-Wite)Where stories live. Discover now