Chapter 7~ We Go Together

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"Do we really need this much water? My arms about to fall off!" Tala whined.
"We drink a lot of tea, we really need this much tea!" Star explained.
"Really?" Tala pulled the heavy bucket along.
"Yes, once you do this a lot, it becomes less heavy." Star smiled.
"How long does that take?" Tala asked.
"About 6 months if your me." Star answered.
"Great!" Tala said out of breath.
"Hey Star! When's that water coming?" Star's mother called.
"We're coming!" Star yelled back.
Star opened the door and dropped the bucket by the furnace. Tala did the same thing but split some of the water.
"Honey lunch is ready." Star's mother said.
"Will, Mark! Lunch is ready, unless you want to be lazy and just sit there all day long!" Star leaned out the doorway.
Star picked up one of the buckets of water and put it on the furnace and grabbed a small packet of tea leaves and dropped it in the water.
"Just wait for 10 mins then it should be ready." Star stated.
Will and Mark came in and sat down at the table waiting for the food to be served.
"What time is it?" Tala asked randomly.
"5 pm. Why?" Star looked over at her.
"Isn't a little late for lunch?"
"Oh, we eat lunch late, and we eat a snack before bed." Star said.
"Oh." Tala replied. Now she knew why her stomach was eating itself.
Star brung out sandwiches and fruit and some carrots, and placed them on the table.
"Tea with be ready soon." Star turned back around.
"Cool." Will grabbed a sandwich and started eating it like there was no tomorrow.
Star's mother sat down and Tala sat in a chair by where Star was going to sit.
"Honey, lunch time!" Star's mother called.
A big muscular man came in through the door and glared at Tala. He sat down across from Tala looking at her, burning holes in her soul.
"Father this is Tala, she helped me escape from the castle." Star said sensing the tension.
Everyone else felt it too.
Star poured everyone a cup of tea and sat down.
"So......." Will started hoping someone would say something.
Star's father wouldn't stop looking at Tala, it was creepy.
Tala felt that it was best to take a breather.
"Um, please excuse me I think I left something outside." Tala lied and got out from her seat and walked out the door.
"I'll help her." Will said standing up.

Tala walked into the cool night. This had been her first night out and she loved it.
Tala ran to the paddock where Vespera was.
Jumping the fence instead of just opening the gate, Tala flinched when she hit the ground because her leg was still healing.
Vespera's coat was shinning in the moonlight, she looked like the moon.
She was lying down in the grass rolling over and playing.
Tala walked over to Vespera and touched her snout. Soft and fuzzy. Tala held Vespera's head in one hand and in the other she ran her fingers through Vespera's hair.
Vespera closed her eyes and rolled her head and Tala rubbed her behind her ears.
"Sldí tqilutú túe haveí." Tala whispered.
(What beauty you hold.)
Tala smiled and placed her hand at the bottom of the unicorn's horn but Vespera didn't like that.
"Turvo!" Tala apologized.
Vespera stood up and hovered over Tala.
"Sldí iní ríngo?" Tala asked.
(What is wrong?)
Vespera trotted over to the gate of the paddock.
Tala looked away from the person standing there.
"Aren't you mad at me too?"
"Why would I be mad at you? You haven't done anything to endure my wrath." Will laughed.
"I don't know it just seems like everyone's mad at me." Tala sighed and walked over and sat on the railing.
"Tala, they're not mad at YOU, there at mad at your father. But since you are his daughter they are taking their anger out on you. Mind you their families were killed and their king and princess were murdered as well." Will said.
"I know your words are truly wisdom, but I just don't see it." Tala huffed.
Will came by her and sat next to her, and there was a long moment of silence.
"Just wondering why is it you, Star or anyone has never mentioned the queen?" Tala asked.
Will shifted uncomfortably, but his face seemed pained.
"I'll have Mark tell you." Will finally answered.
"Well it's not like I can walk right up to him and ask, hey what happened to your mother? Cause in case you haven't noticed he doesn't like me!" Tala said in defeat.
"Who said that he doesn't like you?" Will questioned.
"I'm pretty sure Mark made that pretty clear!" Tala replied clearly frustrated.
"Just give it some time, he's real nice if ya get to know him." Will smiled.
"I'm not sure I want to get to know him. He challenge me to prove to him that I'm trustworthy but how in the world am I supposed to do that?!" Tala put her hands up.
"You'll find a way enough." Will patted Tala on the back.

A/N ~ Sorry this chapter was REALLY short. :( I kind of forgot where I was taking this, oops :( but Thanks for reading. ❤️

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