☆~Night one~☆

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8 Cookies received a letter in the mail. The letter was from none other than the museum curator himself, Eclair Cookie. He wrote formally inviting them to the museums grand opening! Heres what the letter said,
"Dear *Cookies name*, I am inviting you to the grand opening of my museum! At 7:00 PM next Saturday, I will be holding a small gathering with you and several other Cookies celebrating the opening of the museum. I hope you do attend. -Eclair Cookie."

As night of the gathering arrived, each cookie made their way to the Museum... Only to find an unexplainable site.
Tiger lily had just got to the museum a bit earlier than everyone else, she had just finished an unsuccessful hunting trip, and ended up with this letter after she took a nap.
Roguefort entered the museum, looking around with an idle expression. They seemed to be confused, they then started to walk around, searching for the not present curator of the museum.

Prune Juice Cookie was the next to appear. He's met Eclair before, but they weren't friends. He frankly found him annoying in some aspects. But, its rude to turn down and invitation

Kouign-Amann Cookie shortly arrives after Prune Juice Cookie

Espresso Cookie isn't one for grand entrances. He calmly walks in, coffee in hand.

Pure Vanilla entered the walls of the museum, gazing at it's beauty. They were delighted to be at the party, as well as their little flower.
PV: "This place is pretty neat, I must say. I'm glad that several other cookies showed up as well!"

Gumball Cookie burst through the doors, too impatient to open them. He looked around admiring some of the relics.

Lotus dragon was one of the last to appear, considering the fact that lotus paradise is pretty far away.

The cookies make conversation, but the lingering question is...
Where is Eclair?

PRUNE JUICE: "17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25... Okay, you know what counting tiles is boring.. Where's Eclair-? It's his museum."

GUMBALL: "Place is kinda dull, anyways, where's Eclair?"

LOTUS: "That's what we're currently trying to find out."

ESPRESSO: "Hm. Where I come from, it's rude to not greet your guests..."

KOUIGN-AMANN: "Shouldn't he be waiting here?"

LOTUS: "Did you guys search the full museum yet?"

Gumball completely ignored Lotus and looked around in confusion,

GUMBALL: "Hey, where is Eclair?"

ESPRESSO: "...You're just now noticing his absence?"

PRUNE JUICE: "They probably ditched this place pshh. Its booooring."

Gumball walked around, poking things. He wondered why he even bothered to show up if Eclair wasn't even gonna be there.

GUMBALL:"Agreed, there's barley any color here... Eclair should totally redecorate! It's absolutely BORINGGG."

Everyone was looking around at the various items on display.

ESPRESSO: "... Can someone please explain how these are... Relics-?"

LOTUS: "That's what I've been thinking.. That ones literally just a tree stump!"

KOUIGN-AMANN: "Aren't half of these.. ripoffs? Like this plastic sword?"

LOTUS: "Where does eclair even find these? The dumpster?"

ESPRESSO: "What next are we gonna find? A barrel of strawberry jam?"

Murder at the Museum (A Cookie Run COLLAB FIC inspired by Clue/Cluedo)Where stories live. Discover now