♡~Day/Night 3~♡

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♧~DAY 3~♧
Please turn away from this chapter if you are sensitive to that.

Yesterday was a long day.. As the suspects awoke, hoping for no more problems like yesterday... But as everyone started to adjust and stretch. Something felt wrong. Perhaps it was just the feelings from yesterday carrying over- but no. Something felt really wrong... Or perhaps smelt wrong.

Espresso was the first to wake up, stretching his arms. He stood, dusting himself off as he looked around the room to see if anyone else was awake.

Gumball Cookie woke up next, quickly shuffling back to the corner of the room he had stayed in for the majority of the last few days.

Roguefort stood, noticing the lingering smell in the air. They had a perplexed look on their face as they started to look around, trying to find the source of said smell.. Or at least go talk to Tangerine. They wanted to set things right after last night, something just felt unsettled.

Prune Juice kind of layed there for a couple minutes before getting up and adjusting himself (mood) he didn't bother socializing with the others and grabbed his phone before heading to the bathroom.

Kouign-Amann kind of got up and followed him to the bathroom. (Okay, now that I'm typing this out it sounds way worse than I expected BUT GUYS SHES JUST GONNA WATCH HIM DO IS MAKE UP I DIDN'T KNOW WHAT TO DO WITH KOUIGN)

Tiger Lily looked around the museum as she started to catch a smell of something... was that... Jam?

Pure Vanilla woke up and felt like something was wrong.. There was a strange smell.

Lotus finally got out of bed and started noticing the smell

LD: "Whats that smell??"

PV: "I... Don't really know. We should try to find the source."

But, Roguefort had already found it... The office.

Tangerine laid on the floor, lifeless. Jam was pouring out from her skull, her cause of death pretty obvious. Her skull had been bashed in. Roguefort certainly found what the scent was coming from.. Yet again, they let out another scream that could be heard from every corner of the museum.

By Felique

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By Felique

By Felique

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Murder at the Museum (A Cookie Run COLLAB FIC inspired by Clue/Cluedo)Where stories live. Discover now