♧~Day/Night 4~♧

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               ~◇ DAY 4 ◇~
The suspects awoke as Almond entered the room.

Roguefort cookie was huddled in the corner of the room, one of the first to awaken again. They were fidgeting with the button on their sleeves as they remained quiet, standing up reluctantly at Almond’s words.

Prune Juice got up, grabbed his bag and headed straight to the bathroom as he had been doing for the past couple of days.

LD arose from their bed and started fixing their hair.

Tiger lily groaned a bit as she sat up on the floor, not really bothering to listen to what Almond has to say.

AL: "Alright, get up. I have to get a couple things since it seems we're gonna be here for a while. Meanwhile, try to be productive and not kill eachother."

Espresso nodded in acknowledgement as the rest had no reaction.

Almond walked out the door.

As soon as that happened, Espresso walked over to Pure Vanilla.

Pure Vanilla looked up at him, with a warm smile.

PV: "Hello, Espresso Cookie! How are you this morning?"

ES: "Just fine. I was wondering however, do you have any interest in helping me find the murder weapon. I was up all night mapping the museum, and I believe I found the location."

Tiger Lily took notice to the conversation.

Pure Vanilla smiled even more, "Oh! Yes! I'd be more than happy to help."

ES: "Alright then, come along now, I’ll explain it once we’re outside.”

He headed out, expecting pv to follow, which he did.

Tiger Lily shrugged as they left, she gave a bit of a small wave at Roguefort before deciding to lay back down, wanting try to sleep the day away…

Just then, Gumball cookie was the last one to wake up, stretching his arms with a loud yawn. He noticed Roguefort talking to themselves in the corner and stared for awhile, until his attention moved towards Tiger Lily laying down. Gumball approached, sitting down next to her to see if she was awake.


She sat back up at the sound of someone approaching, she opened one eye and noticed Gumball sitting next to her.


The young cookie looked at Tiger Lily, not really sure of what to say now that he knew she was awake.

GB: "Uh.. hi…" He murmured, voice trailing off slightly.

TL: "Hello…"
She closed her eyes again as she wrapped her arms around her knees.

He ran out of things to say quickly as the two sat in silence for awhile, as he remained in place next to the other cookie.

After a couple of minutes of silence, tiger lily noticed that the room was mostly empty now… and thought maybe it would be best to go and explore more of the museum, so she lightly tapped gumball’s shoulder and pointed at the door.

TL: “… Wanna go?”

GB: "Yea-Yeah, it’s kinda empty in here." He agreed, standing up and waiting for Tiger Lily.

Tiger Lily got up as well and headed to the door and opened it.

Roguefort cookie watched the two leave, noticing it was now only them and Lotus Dragon in the room (Not noticing Kouign-Amann) They mumble to themselves- or their hat- and went on as they didn’t know what exactly to do.

Murder at the Museum (A Cookie Run COLLAB FIC inspired by Clue/Cluedo)Where stories live. Discover now