《~Day/Night 5~》

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A note from PJ before you read
Hiiii, if you're reading this you've probably read the other chapters. Whenever we post a chapter, it is NOT the finalized version. We usually update a chapter 3 or 4 times, adding art made by our cast and crew. So, if you haven't, maybe you should go back and skim through the other chapters and look at the art we work oh so hard on. Thats all, enjoy this chapter!!


Almond walked over to the door, placing his hand on the knob.

AL: "I called in a little extra help."

He opened the door, revealing a familiar face to every cookie.

A cookie that was all over the news.

A cookie with a record to clean.

None other than Financier Cookie.

Her face showed a nervous smile, which was understandable.. She'd been locked away for someone elses wrongdoing for so long.

FN: "I hope this isn't too sudden." She spoke, "I heard about this case, and I offered my help once I heard Officer Almond was the only one on the case."

The other cookies exchanged looks of both confusion and understanding.

Pure Vanilla broke the silence looming between everyone.

PV: "C'mon everyone, we can use all the help we can get." Then he turned to Financier. "Thank you." He finished with a warm smile.

Everyone else began to greet and thank Financier, and for a moment things felt... Okay.

As the night wore on, the tension wore off.

For the first time in what felt like years, there was laughing, and smiling, and only tears of joy.

Lotus was playing their mandolin, which added to the comforting atmosphere.

Prune Juice and Kouign-Amann were talking about god knows what.

Gumball and Pure Vanilla were sort of just sitting there comfortably.

Espresso was rambling on about something Tiger Lily definitely didn't understand as she sharped her spear.

Roguefort was sitting near the door, Crumbles in their lap.

The sound of footsteps grew towards them.

Financier sat down next to them.

They simply glanced over at her, before turning back to the BIG HUMONGOUS kitty cat in their lap.

FN: "So, I heard about... Your brother."

Roguefort looked up at her with an eyebrow up.

RF: "Figured."

Financier tapped her knees, before replying.

FN: "Well- I- I'm trying to say... I know what it's like to... Lose someone so close to you."

RF: "We weren't close." They interjected.

Financier stopped and sighed.

FN: "I won't pry about it."

RF: "Not much to pry. We chose different paths in life."

There was a brief silence.

FN: "Well, deep down he was still your brother. And you cared for him."

Roguefort's mouth formed a small smile, but not a happy one.. More of a mocking one.

RF: "You don't know me."

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⏰ Last updated: May 10 ⏰

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