~☄Day/Night 2☄~

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☆DAY 2☆ ------------------------------------------------------------
Each cookie slowly woke up, some still a bit shook up from the incident. But overall, everyone seemed a lot calmer. They were allowed to leave the suspect room, with supervision.. Some.. More than others. The interrogation starts in about 30 minutes, for now, they're free to wander about the museum.

Almond Cookie opened the door of the suspect room to see who was awake and whos a sleep

AL: "Rise and shine, interrogation starts in 30 minutes."

Pure Vanilla slow rose from the ground, while using his staff to get up. They were worried about Roguefort and Gumball.

Espresso slowly opened his eyes. He tries to sit up, but his body aches from sleeping on the hard floor. Despite this, he tries to keep his composure and stands up, checking his surroundings for a subtle moment.

Roguefort stretched slightly, standing up. They looked around the room.

Tiger Lily was still sleeping, curled up in a ball as she held the sleeping bag close to her.

Lotus wakes up, still shook about everything that happened yesterday.

Prune Juice Cookie sat up slowly, memories of yesterday seeming a bit blurry now. But none the less still shocking.

Gumball had woken up, slightly calmer than yesterday but still scared. He tried shuffling away from the others still with the belief that he couldn't trust anyone.

Kouign-Amann woke up next.

Prune Juice Cookie starts to stand up and look through a window.

PJ: "Welp, it wasn't a dream. He really is dead, huh?"

The room got ever so slightly silent-er as everyone starts to think about the situation they're in.

Espressk ran his fingers through his hair and adjusted his glasses, in an attempt to regain his composure and look presentable. He stood still for a few moments, observing his surroundings and trying to get his bearings, before walking over to the nearby window Prune Juice was standing at and peering outside.

The smell of soured dough still lingered in the rooms.. As if a taughting reminder, or a warning of what is soon to come.

I can say with full assurance, none of the cookie's want to be here. All of them are still shooken up, and some will probably have permanent trauma... Not naming any names.

Almond leaned against the door frame.
AL: "Well, what are you all standing around for? I said you can leave the room.. That's me politely telling you to go."

It's no shock that Roguefort was the first to leave, lets just say they aren't exactly comforted by Almonds presence.
They started to walk to a different part of the museum.
They reached their hand out a bit to try and secretly grab a... Relic?.
Only to turn around and see Almond glaring at them.
They looked over at him, smiling nervously as they raised their arms to show they didn't take anything and backed away from him.

Lotus decided it would be interesting to check out the exhibit with the relics from the legendaries.. Wondering how Eclair even got hold of most of this stuff, him being just a simple curator and all. It's not believable to think he was on his own.

Meanwhile, Roguefort is still up to their own uhhh Royog things. They spot a crown in the Hollyberrian section. Roguefort stares at the crown, looming over it, all of their worries gone as they looked at the shiny object. They look around for a minute, as if they were checking if no one was looking, then they reached for it.
Or they thought no one was looking.
AL: "Hey! Hands off.."
They huffed a bit, walking away from the crown as they muttered something under their breath.

Murder at the Museum (A Cookie Run COLLAB FIC inspired by Clue/Cluedo)Where stories live. Discover now