Chapter 13

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Callista Miller

Isaac's blue eyes were filled with understanding and acceptance. For a second, I felt out of my head. Like I was imagining things. Never in my wildest dreams did I imagine someone reacting positively to my attraction towards Ares. I don't know if I should be glad or sad. I always prepared myself for the worst-case scenario. All the arguments I prepared were to defend myself. But now? I have nothing to say when there's someone ready to accept me and my object of affection.

"Calli.... "

I felt his fingers curl around my wrist, gently rubbing over the ridges of my knuckles there. It left a welcoming warmth in their wake. I could not take my eyes away from his face. A face that was getting closer to mine second by second. I wanted to step back but couldn't. He had me captive in place by unveiling my secret like it was never hidden.

His warm breath tickled the shell of my ear. I trembled. I don't know why I am not pushing him away. I want to but my body is frozen. He is very close to my body, leaving a space in between for air to pass by. I am standing still, holding my breath, waiting for anything to happen.

"I have known this since I met you. "

I heard him whisper. My eyes widened before the lids blinked several times. I knew he knew more than he let on. Stepping back, he lets me see his face adorned with a sheepish smile. Watching it, an irritated scowl molds on my face. And finally, I push him away. His amused chuckle filled the tense atmosphere.

"Do not joke with me! "

Shaking his head, he plops on my bed. Scowling at him, I place my hands on my hips and glare.

"Isaac Harrison! I am going to kill you. "

Amusement dancing in his eyes, he continues laughing at me. It makes me angrier. Gritting my teeth, I launch myself at him. Landing punch after punch on his torso, I hear his 'oof','ahh', and 'stop' with satisfaction.

I was really scared for a second because he knows everything that I fear about people knowing. Ares is my treasured secret. One which I selfishly want to keep to myself.

I felt him hold onto both my wrists. My eyes land on his face devoid of any emotion. It made a surprised gasp escape from my lips. And before I could react further, he flipped us, making me land on my back on the bed with him hovering over me. Pinning my both wrists on the bed, he smirked.

"Kill me all you want. I know how to reincarnate. "

His voice uncharacteristically held a deeper meaning, like he was talking about something else. It made my heart beat faster. I was feeling nervous. What is happening?

"I never joke with you, Calli. "

He continued when I remained silent. Bringing his face closer to mine, he lets our noses touch. I was left to carefully and cautiously observe his every move because fight never hailed in me.

"Let me tell you a secret. "

He waited for me to react but I remained mute and unmoving. His eyes glinted with mirth which left me perplexed. What am I seeing?

"I know Ares personally. "

If my eyes could leave the sockets, they would from how much they widened. Gaping at him, I could only splutter intangible things in surprise. I never could have guessed that my new friend was connected in any way with the mafia and Ares. For a second, I thought he was lying. But he was not. Knowing him for the past weeks, one thing was clear that he never lied to me. His eyes which were observing me were only expressing truth.

Ares ; A Mafia Romance ||✓Where stories live. Discover now