Chapter 30

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I lived in a world that I made—a world formed out of revenge and vengeance. It was a fortress where nothing could touch me, a realm where mistakes were not allowed. Everything had to be perfect, meticulously planned. I vowed to eliminate everything that had torn my family from me.

My father, my hero, I watched him bleed before my eyes, battling for his life. In that moment, I had never felt so useless, so helpless. His eyes, even then, brimmed with pride and love for me. But I was crushed beneath the weight of the world. And as if fate had not yet exacted its full measure, it took my sister next. I witnessed her assassination. She was so small, so fragile. She cried but never begged. We were taught in the mafia—my father’s and grandfather’s legacy—to never beg, never submit, never fear. Always, always fight for yourself and your loved ones.

In the fire of this brutal creed, I found a dark solace. My soul twisted, shaped by grief and fury. I became the heir to a legacy drenched in blood, my heart hardened into stone. In this world, I crafted my identity as a psychopathic avenger, a predator lurking in the dark, ready to strike.

Everything I did, every move I made, was a step toward a singular goal: to destroy those who dared to rip my family from me. In my mind, there was no room for error, no place for mercy. The path I walked was lined with the horror of my loved ones, urging me on, fueling my insatiable thirst for revenge. And so, I remained, a dark shadow in a merciless world, forever haunted, forever hunting.

The moment I discovered the architect of our demise, the one who sought to kill me, my father, and my sister, was none other than my uncle—my father's twin and my idol—my path became stark clear. I vowed to fight for my family, to avenge their deaths, and to kill the betrayer who had shattered our trust and love-- Ubel motherfucker DelaVega.

I knew precisely what needed to be done and how to do it. What I lacked were the resources and power. So, I set about gathering every asset, every ally. The first was Isaac, my brother. We met in an underground hole in downtown Manhattan, a clandestine place of shadows and secrets. He knew of me and approached with knowledge and intent. He revealed the treachery woven by his own father, and I unveiled the destruction that man had wrought upon us.

Together, we crafted our plan from the ground up, every detail meticulously plotted. We swore an oath of vengeance, binding our fates together in a dark and destructive revenge. Our hearts beat in unison, driven by a shared hatred and an unquenchable thirst for justice. The bloodline of betrayal would be severed, and in its place, we would build an empire of vengeance, unyielding and relentless.

Then, I introduced Isaac to Wrath, a man I had saved from certain death, Eva's bodyguard, and my father's trusted mercenary. Wrath held intimate knowledge of Ubel’s twisted mind. Together, we amassed information, ammunition, and a cadre of mercenaries—Wrath's hardened allies, Isaac's loyal mafia men. To deceive Ubel, we staged a bitter rivalry. It was essential to prevent him from suspecting our true intentions. Ubel, blinded by his own ambition, was training Isaac to kill me one day, just as he had murdered my father.

But I had witnessed the truth within that fire blast that claimed my father and sister. Stuck beneath a shattered wall, I watched as men spirited them away from the flames. Those must have been Ubel's men. Ubel believed me dead, left to bleed out with a bullet in my gut amidst the wreckage. That miscalculation marked his downfall. From that moment, I became his death incarnate.

We gathered every shred of intelligence, yet Ubel’s cunning remained a step above us. He had hidden my father and Eva with a meticulousness that left no trace. The more we searched, the more it seemed they had vanished into thin air, leaving us empty-handed and me teetering on the edge of madness. I was restless and on the verge of insanity.

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