Chapter 19: Anakonos

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A day passed,
and Chace regained his energy,
Sora was talking about how her and Terra could have easily killed the newly revived Brandon Yeets but were worried about Chace,
Keiko finally got to know my full story but didn't really care other than curiosity.
We agreed to meet up at a later time and slash or date,
Chace said he needed to get his weapon of choice that wasn't a brass knuckles and get his sister's weapon,
Sora went with him,
Keiko handed me a paper with a rune on it and said it was so she could teleport back to me as long as I carried it,
and she returned to her Tribe.

Terra and I took turns reading that book for two days,
then I sent Chace and Sora a text,
telling them to meet me and Terra in a temple in Athens,
specifically the temple of Zeus.
After that,
we took off for Greece.
The last few days before the end of the month,
we met up in Greece,
the temple of Zeus,
the sun was setting,
a storm was approaching,
me and Terra go all full exploration mode and find a hidden passage where stairs lead further down,
we could sense a high amount of demonic energy far more powerful than any Demon Lord and,
like any good temple maker,
gotta have them traps.

Terra, being faster,
ran by a bunch of traps first,
I phased through any spikes,
falling floors,
walls, etcetera,
after going through multiple traps,
we came across zombiefied demons that look like they came straight out of Greek mythology.
Terra goes all Kung Fu on their ass and I create a shadow rune,
aim my index and middle finger and fire shadow throwing knives,
but I used throwing motions with my arms to give off the illusion I was throwing them when I was really launching them.
Once all the zombiefied demons died, a stone door unbars itself,
and I lift the door open.

There was a mirror like device in the center of the room,
Terra approached it,
and we walked onto the platform.
A purple flaming skull appeared in the mirror before us,
I was practically in Terra's arms Scooby-Doo style,
and she dropped me on my ass.
"I'm okay!"
I spring back onto my feet and dust myself off,
my sweat getting all over the handels of the platform.
"You've come here because Valla has been released. You've completed my trial as well, I present to you two immortal slaying swords, the Anakonos and the Izayoi."

Two swords form out of the purple flames of the skull face and pass through the mirror,
one a demonic looking knight sword with skull pummel and four horns a horn shaped cross guard with a spike going down towards the handel,
snake design etheched into the cross guard and a double straight blade built into the handel.
The other sword was a pure red gladius. The whole sword was metal,
including the handel.

"The Anakonos: the sword that was made to kill the immortal Valla, Izayoi: the crimson red gladius built to slay true immortals and god like beings, within it holds the power of Amaterasu and the power of light itself, the cost for this mighty weapon is your own sight and mind, but you have nothing to fear because I see a strong enough resolve in those eyes to overpower the Izayoi and make it's power yours. Now go and slay Valla!"
The mirror like device returns to normal,
and a massive rumbling is felt,
me and Terra bolt out of the temple to see the ocean rising into the city,
a set of purple glowing eyes can be seen from the water,
I toss Terra the Izayoi,
and more rumbling is heard as the source's claws climb up the side of the temple.

"Drawnco?!" I blert out,
Terra readies herself as a giant Drawnco stomps its massive four feet towards me, his large scorpion like tail raises up and strikes!
"I don't think so, you overgrown wingless dragon!"
Reina intercepts by grabbing Drawnco's zombiefied tail with one hand,
then slams on the ground!
My eyes get large as I see firsthand how strong she is!
Terra whistles,
and so do I.
Moments later,
a zombiefied army of Artificial Demons jumps out the ocean and rushes us. Another pleasant surpise was the twin Oni's as they intercept the army with large explosions from their palms, thinning the hord.

"What are you two doing here?!"
I asked,
just as surprised as Terra.
Weren't these two bozos enemies mere days ago?
Me and Terra join the frey as we hack and slash former allies,
Terra using the Izayoi and I my new sword.
It was heavy for a one-handed sword, but it served its purpose quite well, I split an enemy in half with a vertical slash to the air,
then slam it down on another,
getting that double kill.

"Took me long enough to track you down." I see multiple black feathers scatter into the zombiefied hord like a throwing star,
then those fathers create massive shadow tornados,
sucking up all the enemies in its range. "Niel?!"
Once again, I was surprised,
we get back to back and agree to a truce until this is over,
and surprisingly,
our teamwork was superb.
"Even after our death, you still haven't changed, boy."
Oh goody,
the former Demon Council.
"Well, well, well, if it isn't the old farts themselves, I see you all were brought back edo tensei style from Naruto,
so what do I owe this displeasure? Are you here by choice or against your will? Not that it particularly matters as I'm going to send your grumpy old asses straight to Hell!"

The Demon Council lines up and take on their Demon forms,
the one I really remember other than the African American one that always called me boy in a thick,
deep accent was the one with a speech issue that always said annihilate, annihilate,
fire, fire.
He was a giant red flaming gorilla like demon.
they went to smack
talk me back only for a large wall of ice to separate us.
"If anyone is going to kill the Demon Lord, it's going to be me."
The Ice Tribe Chief says with a wond staff in his hand.
"Look, old man, I didn't kidnap your daughters. They followed me by choice!"

A barrage of ice spikes come shoot out at me,
and Niel as the wall of ice melts.
"Father, we chose to protect our friend!" Flora and Crystal show up and deploy an ice barrage back,
canceling out their father's attack.
Not gonna lie,
I kinda forgot about them when they chose to follow me and couldn't keep up. So........... lots of enemies and very few allies,
why does lady luck hate me in particular so much?
Like, what did I do to piss off God?
"Hey! Help me kill all these enemies, and I'll let you get your payback, old man!" He begrudgingly agrees,
and we start to turn the tide of the battle,
little by little and bit by bit,
explosions of all elements occur,
but the final nail in our enemies's coffin was the arrival of Chace and Sora coming in from the sky,
followed by a mountain sized explosion of flames and ice.

Chace walks up to me with a unique looking weapon in his hands.
"Hope we're not late to the party."
He twists a lock on his paton like weapon,
then unsheaths the blades,
revealing the hidden blades in the paton like weapon.
More zombiefied Artificial Demons attempt to jump Chace,
and he smirks,
flipping his weapon to the blunt end, blades facing him,
and he smacks away enemies left,
right, and center,
enemies throw themselves fast at him, and he respond by flipping the weapon out of reverse grip to normal grip and slashing arteries,
eyes, neck,
man hood and body.

Chace finishes his flashy techniques by putting the won together and connecting it into a mini double bladed spear. "What the hell kind of weapon is that?!" I yell with some excitement and surpriseness.
"It's a Split Staff."
He replies as he flashy twirls it around, cutting up enemies into chuncks with his demonic strength while also stabbing the heads of them too.

Sora finds Terra and tosses her a pole arm called the Naginata,
and both of my sister proceeded to use their pole arms to stab,
and jab at the enemies's skulls, obliterating them in one hit,
I join in the frey once again until every single enemy falls,
once all the fighting was over,
everyone was physically exhausted for fighting two days straight,
pushing a third day, but once everything was said and done,
I was using the Anakonos as a crutch against the rocky ground,
the ocean going back into the actual sea instead of rising up,
returning to normal,
or as normal can get.

"I'll take this!"
The Anakonos gets yoinked out from my hands and snap like a twig right in front of my face by none other than Brandon Yeets!
"You can have it back now."
He tosses the broken blade and hilt onto the floor,
then spits on it before laughing like a lunatic,
yelling I fell for it.
That. Fucking. Troll.
That shitty fuck boy mcgee troll! Brandon Yeets disappears through a portal he casts and closes it,
and yet I could still feel its presence. "Well........... now what?"

Is all I could say,
we took one step forward,
and now we've taken two steps back. There's got to be away.
We can turn the tide in our favor,
but how?
If we don't,
then we can kiss this world goodbye. Fuck.

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