Chapter 30: Big Sister

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(Flecia's POV)

Location: Floor 1

I made sure to disable most of the traps that I could visibly see,
so when Seth and his friends and adopted siblings catch up,
they won't have to worry about the traps we had to go through.
We picked up the twin Oni's and ran into Niel.
Niel has been silent and serving as the scout.
The Onis, on the other hand, just won't stop babbling about how they think a traitor is in our group.
My sister and I rolled our eyes because our father immediately latched onto the idea of Seth and his siblings being the said traitors,
of course,
we're making our way to the source to prove Father wrong.

Even Niel,
who has been mostly silent,
spoke up and vouched for Seth's innocence.
We stopped at a fork in the hallway where multiple lifts were,
based on what I saw.
This floor has only one lift,
and the rest went to other sectors of this labyrinth of a floor,
so this is just my hypnosis,
but I'd say if we guess the right lift,
the other lifts will bring in enemies.
We could remain still and wait for reinforcements, or we can push forward.
"Onward and upward, my children!" And there goes staying put,
thanks a lot, Father.

(Terra's POV)

We arrive on an odd looking floor, definitely unique.
It looked like a torture chamber.
We looked high and low and made our way through the labyrinth that was this floor,
oddly enough,
no zombies,
even though we followed Seth and Reina's scent.
The only zombies I saw were in too many pieces to count and not moving,
so safe assumption they won't get back up.
We turn the corner,
and we see Reina sitting by the wall,
her arm missing and bleeding fire of all things!
Even her flesh wounds on her abdomen were bleeding fire!
"What the hell happened to you, Reina?" Reina looks up at brother Chase as he pulls out a glass bottle of green liquid and gives it to her only hand,
emploring her to drink it and apologizing for the clinginess and said this should make up for it.

Reina drinks it and hands it back to him. "Seth did, we saw the zombiefied version of some Artificial Demons named Penny and Leon. He was having a full-blown conversation with them.
He nearly came to his senses and chopped their heads off but faltered at the last second,
then they started running, and they got out of eye sight,
next thing I know, he starts hulking out and transformed into something other worldly,
something byond a Demon Lord. He mercilessly slaughtered all the zombies, and when he saw me,
well, we threw down, and I barely managed to escape with just a missing arm.
I fucked him up though, I left behind some burn wounds on his back, arm and calfs."

Reina regrows her missing arm in seconds and her wounds mend shut as if she wasn't hurt at all.
"Got it. Thanks for telling us, now to knock some senses into our brother."
I put my hand between Chase and Sora and shake my head.
"Stay here with Reina, I'll be the one to knock some sense into him........ his mind has always been in a fragile state since their death. Right now, he needs love and support, not to be knocked out. Besides, between all of us here, I'm the fastest one, so I can wear him out without harming him."

I say with a mixture of confidence and anger.
I can't stand to see my brother suffering like this,
but I also couldn't bear myself to watch Chase and Sora knock out Seth,
I know they'd do it for his safety as well as the safety of others,
but it wouldn't change anything.
This is all one big fit of rage.
Seth has had 2,
maybe 3 months,
to grieve,
but to have someone say okay,
you've had enough time is cold. Everyone grieves differently and, unfortunately Chase and Sora aren't emotional people.

They can see emotions and feel the emotions to a degree,
but sometimes they don't give the best emotional response or,
worse case scenario,
don't do anything and are like,
figure it out yourself.
I know my brother Seth.
He's at a low point in his life.
Zoey and I are his only emotional support,
and even then me,
Chase, Sora,
and Zoey have only just entered his life, I guarantee Seth will commit suicide eventually if not for us entering his life.

That's why I'm going to protect Seth,
I will save him,
and I will provide him the emotional needs he requires.
"You sure?"
Sora asks.
"We can knock him out in one shot and easily make quicker time."
She says in a nonchalant voice.
"Quicker does not always equal better. Brandon wants Seth weakend, he wants his mind to be broken like it is now. If we knock Seth out, we'd be playing right into his hands. Trust me, I'll get it done."

Sora and Chase give me a nod and stay with Reina,
I turn to the steel double doors where this demonic roaring can be heard,
I opened the doors and noticed the knobs were extremely hot,
but minor burns will be nothing in the battles ahead.
I enter the room and spot Seth still hulking out,
slamming fist against the floor like a gorilla and against the walls.
I whistle to get his attention.

Seth blindly charges at me,
my hair levitates with my blue aura as electricity pops around,
I enter my Demon Form as my skin turns neon blue,
and my black energy mark forms down the sides of my face.
Seth's darkness molds around his fists, making them larger and bulkier.

He swings,
I dodge under,
and slap his thigh,
sending a small voltage of electricity into him.
His left hand molds into a shadow sledge hammer and swings,
I sidestepped and slap his back,
shocking him again.
Seth morphs one hand into a buzzsaw and the other into a chainsaw,
I slide under his arms,
tag his stomach,
and stun him with my electricity,
Seth yelps in pain,
growls and roars,
he keeps swinging his saw arms and I keep sidestepping,
doing a split in a unintentional stylish way and keep tagging him with love tabs but giving him mild shocks.

Seth keeps attacking,
and attacking even tries every single named attack and trick he has up his sleeves but I know each attack and how they work,
I never studied them but I've seen it enough times to know how to dodge and at less than a fraction of a second.
Seth finally wears himself out and collapses onto his knees,
I walk over to him, get on my knees as well, grab his head,
and lightly rest it on top of my chest. "Shhhh sh sh sh. It's okay, big sister is here, Seth. You can let it all out. You can let it all go."

We both revert to our human forms where Seth listens to my hearts beat until he falls asleep.
I use a creation rune and make a pillow for Seth where he will sleep until he wales up,
I can only hope everyone else doesn't go and get themselves killed,
the more able arms we have,
the better our odds will be against Valla. The end is nigh,
and right now,
the odds are not in our favor.

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