Chapter 26: Separation

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(Terra's POV)

Okay, so where do I begin?
Sora makes a wall of ice for cover as I form bolts of lightning like a cartoon Zeus,
then chuck some bolts,
followed by a loud boom and some smoke.
I begin to recap the events while chucking above the ice wall and around, Niel uses a similar strategy and whips up a miniature tornado with his bow and wind arrows,
which goes hand and hand with my lightning.
The zombies open fire cannons,
arrows, and guns,
I leap the ice wall and generate a weak electromagnetic field that repels all the metal in the area which unfortunately includes Niel as I didn't know he had metal arms or really I should say I never paid attentionto his arms,
as far as I'm concerned,
if you're not my brothers or sister, you're fodder to be thrown at the enemy.

He says as I lightly chuckle.
"Sora, you're up."
Sora demonic leaps up to me,
extends a hand, makes her neon blue rune,
and fires a bunch of ice spikes like a minigun,
I smiled as I saw the zombies get impaled or duck behind rocks in glorious fashion.
Everything goes silent as the dust starts to settle on the other side of a higher but smaller floating island that was until a surpise ambush happens as the sound effect for a rune is heard from behind as these nodby builder like zombies with green skin,
unhinged or broken jaws and chains dngling from their wrist.
"I'm not one for giving names, but if I had to give this enemy a name, it would be Juggernaut."

A whole bunch of these 'Juggernauts' start flinging their chains like a whip,
I grab my sister and bolt in-between all of them,
jumping over some,
and I throw Sora into the hord,
resulting in a spikey ice wall that pushes some Juggernauts off or turns others into pin cushions.
Niel dodges like his life depends on it and smacks several across the head with his bow,
firing highly pressurized wind arrows that burrow or drill its way through the insides of any Juggernauts,
quite the bloody display,
Sora jumps around,
yeeting ice knives she constructed in a matter of seconds and though her aim was rather bad and a few nearly hit me, she atleast hit the broad side of the barn, or in this case the Juggernauts.

The Juggernauts use the chains on their arms to shield their face,
or their arms in general.
Some had some level of intelligence and used their chains as whips or the iron balls on their legs like flails,
me and Niel dodged easily,
but Sora tanks the hits,
grabs all the chains and starts spinning most of them and used them like nunchucks against the other Juggernauts.
"Remind me not to make her shit list."
I giggle.
He doesn't even know the half of it.

My siblings and I are far stronger than Seth.
We just don't show it,
though knowing my siblings,
or this Valla thing likely broke their pride as warriors.
That's why they're out for blood.
I, on the other hand,
I just want to protect my siblings,
and though I've only known brother Seth for a lot less,
I can safely say without a doubt that he's family.
He fought for demons as well as humans,
and though he is naive in some ways,
he isn't dumb and stupid enough to be complete sunshine and rainbows.
Me and Sora have definitely lectured him in the past about that morale compass.

We're not diswaying him from having one.
We just advise he be less shoving of his opinion down other people's throats, such as with the case of Anton who convinced Seth to let him go free.
Yeah, me and Sora have taught Seth that if you want to change something,
do it yourself,
or to be accurate,
if you don't like something,
change it without enforcing your beliefs down other people's throats.
Lars was a good example of tettering, too far on the morale high ground,
and as his sister,
I am proud of the man Seth is shaping up to be.

He defeated a metaphorical representation of his naive, self-righteous self as well as killed the demon that he could have become.
Seth himself is bigger than a grey area as most humans are grey areas,
but Seth can swing both ways, destruction,
and bloody massacre or kind and loving.

Penny and Leon were the first to open his heart and tear down his mental walls he made,
my siblings and I were the ones to keep him from closing off his heart to the world again,
Zoey was a pleasant surpise that managed to somewhat reach out to his more demonic and human side while also reassuring him that she won't die and that she'll always be there for him when we can't be.
we have Yuzuhara,
everyone's favorite fox lady,
and sexy,
every teenage man,
and lesbian's dream woman.

At first,
I kinda flirted with her for shits and giggles,
but her foxy charm kinda found a nice soft spot in my electricfyingly hot heart. I was gonna go somewhere with that and say cold heart or stell heart,
I don't know, something anyway, electricity made sense so I went with it. Back to reality,
Sora and I take turns switching as a certain anime would say and slice, impale,
freeze, and blast our enemies,
Niel capitalizes on our openings and fuses shadow runes with his wind arrows,
resulting in a crescent blade like shape to spread across the arrow head and mow down.
I'm talking lopping off limbs and decapitation.

After that,
that seemed like the last,
so we pressed on,
and just like before we arrived to help Niel,
Sora went back to relizing brother Chase wasn't with us and clinged to me.
Niel agreed to be our scout and lead us down an island,
and his wind was a rather nice experience,
floating downward like a glide on a gust of wind,
and down we floated into a forest where all it was,
was trees, trees,
and more fucking trees!

and that one fortress in the center but beyond that nothing out of ordinary,
just the usual thing we've been seeing for like a day and a fucking half!
I want to kill Brandon and be done with it!

I want to spend family time with Chace, Sora, and Seth.
I want to hear all about Seth and Zoey's wedding plans,
I want to see Yuzu again,
I want us to be lazy for like one fucking week,
possibly watch a movie or maybe have a movie marathon in a hotel room,
fishing on the beach,
litterally anything but this!

But nooooooo,
lady luck has to have it out for us.
Lady Luck decided we were the protagonists and decided to screw us sideways.
When all this is done,
I am making everyone take a mandatory vacation,
end of discussion.
"Oi, Terra, we got company in the distance."
I sigh.
Of course we do,
we always do,
no rest for the weary after all.

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