Part 1

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He saw her.

Taking in a sharp breath and feeling his heart speed up, Farjaad Khan Bahadur pulled out his sunglasses in disbelief, his messed up hair fighting the harsh winds of Islamabad as he tried to make himself believe that its not a dream, which had happened a lot. The moment they parted flashed in front of his eyes and his heart pricked. He couldn't believe he was actually seeing her after 2 years, after losing all hopes of meeting the girl who changed his life.

He remembered the first time they met, the chaos she brought to his boring life, her childish attitude, her habit of getting into an argument with him but despite all of it, making him smile through it all.

He had expected all kinds of surprises from life but never expected to bump into Umeed in circumstances like this.

He blinked a couple of times and rubbed his eyes twice to make sure he was not being delusional but no matter how many times he did that, she remained in his line of vision.

She was really here.

The girl who made him fall in love so hard.

The girl who became his sunshine.

The girl who taught him the real meaning of life.

Umeed Pasha was really here.

Only, she was unrecognizable.

Dressed up in a light peach suit with hair tied up in a ponytail and a stole around her neck, but her once beaming face had no signs of smile. Her once twinkling eyes had lost that spark. Her once boisterous smile was replaced by a frown.

She reminded him of him before her.

Serious. Unbothered. Frowning.

And it killed him.

Strutting around, she was busy giving instructions with a file in her hand while he could just stare, his feet unmoving. He was at a fair distance from her and she hadn't spotted him yet.

"Umeed..." His voice was a mere whisper as he tried calling her.

He saw someone calling her and her walking away from his line of vision, disappearing inside.

He couldn't believe out of all the places he would find her here. Working around as if she knew this place like the back of her hand. He was confused but exhilarated at the same time. So many questions, so many conversations, so many complaints were pending and he wanted to get his due.

"Farjaad, mere bachay!" He was pulled out of his thoughts as he heard someone calling him. Looking up, he saw an old man with his stick approaching him, followed by 2 servants.

"Aziz Uncle" He managed to let out a smile for the old man as Aziz Shaheen pulled him in a hug.

"Kaisay ho tum? You finally decided to grace us with your presence, han?" He complained in good humor.

"Arre Aziz Uncle, bas thodi masroofiyat chal rai thi..." he excused politely. Till yesterday, he wasn't even sure he was coming but today, he couldn't help but being thankful.

"Han bhaie, tum aur tumhari masroofiyat" he chuckled.

"But beta, thank you so much for sponsoring my project" It was a 3 day youth convention, comprising of different activities, ranging from arts to sports. Farjaad was invested in the idea and when Aziz Uncle reached out to him, he agreed to sponsor it.

"Arre Aziz uncle, you're embarassing me now. It is an honor to be a part of this event, I'm sure this is going to be a success among the youth" He replied.

Aziz Shaheen was his father's old friend. An artist by nature and profession, he always came up with ideas that were helpful for the creative lot of this young generation. And when he contacted Farjaad with his idea of a 3-day creative conventional project named Rang, Farjaad was more than happy to sponsor it.

"In Sha Allah it will" Aziz hoped for the best. "Location kaisi lagi tumhe?" He asked.

"It's great" Farjaad looked around and smiled in appreciation.

"Abhi tou its a rush in there but I'll give you a tour of hall from inside" Aziz said, looking at the crowd that was bubbling at the door.

"I wonder what's the chaos all about" he pondered while Farjaad could care less about the ongoing shenanigans. All he wanted was to get a glimpse of her.

"Anyway young man, aren't going anywhere. You'll stay till the convention so we'll have plenty of time on our hands. And I'm hearing no excuses"

Farjaad was tongue-tied. His plan till yesterday, was to visit Islamabad to meet Aziz Uncle once, rest handled by his team.

Until he saw her.

He had expected his visit to take maximum half a day before he returned to his other meetings in Karachi.

What he never expected was to bump into the love of his life after almost 2 years.

"This is not done! When I clearly mentioned there would be no extra members, why is there a chaos?"

She was back. And apparently, not in a good mood.

"I want this crowd cleared immediately! Everyone line up!" Her commanding tone was enough for the crowd to diffuse. The workers took action and a queue was being formed immediately.

Aziz turned towards Umeed once he heard her scolding a worker.

"Beware of this one! She has the temper of a beast" He said, chuckling.

I know.

Confusion clouded his head but watching her in authority made Farjaad proud and curious at the same time. There were a lot of questions and no answers. And he needed answers.

"Umeed!" Aziz called to her and Farjaad held his breath, anticipating her reaction.

She turned with a frown on her face at Aziz's voice, shading herself from the scorching heat by the files in her hand, but once her eyes fell on the figure beside him, her expressions changed drastically.

Her frown was now replaced by a gasp and her eyes widened in surprise.

"Come here, bachay!"

She registered his words as her feet got stuck. Her hand fell to her side, letting the sun kiss her face as their eyes met.

It felt as if time had stopped for a while. She couldn't move and he couldn't breath. Their eyes were locked as a flood of memories hit them and they were unable to look away

When she still didn't move, Aziz called her again pulling her out of her reverie. Looking around, she took a deep breath, stabilizing herself as she stepped forward.

Farjaad couldn't help his heart beat faster with every step she took towards him. Her expressions didn't give anything away, it was as if she was guarding herself which was so unlike Umeed because she used to be an open book.

"Umeed, beta meet him. He's our sponsor, Mr. Farjaad Khan" he introduced him as he kept looking at her.

"And she's our event manager, Umeed" Aziz tapped Umeed's shoulder with a hint of pride in his eyes and Farjaad was surprised but secretly he was happy to see Umeed doing something for herself.

"Nice meeting you, Ms. Umeed" His first direct words to her were so indifferent, as if they were strangers. Which to some extent now, they were. He forwarded his hand, making her look at him and then at his hand, then gingerly lifted her hand, just barely touching his hand before pulling it back.

"Same here, Mr. Khan" was her short reply and it was Farjaad's turn to be stumped by her indifference.

"Move his stuff to my home" he instructed a worker, "he'll be staying with us. Salma would be so happy to see you" Aziz spoke excitedly. Umeed's eyes widened as she looked at Aziz who was too excited to care while Farjaad has his gaze fixed on her every move.

"You're staying, right?" Aziz asked him with narrowed eyes, as if waiting for him to disagree so he can give him a scolding. But Farjaad had his plans changed.

"Ofcourse, Uncle. I'll be staying" He said, his gaze on Umeed who looked up at him surprised, locking their eyes.


FarMeed brainrot is real.

A lil different from the show. Apologies for any mistakes :)

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