Part 8

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He noticed she was ready for the day. Dressed in a dark blue plain suit with a scarf around her neck, hair open with minimal accessories and files in her hand, she looked pretty as always.

He opened his mouth to say something but before he could speak up, she averted her gaze and started to leave but since she was in a rush to get away from him, her foot slipped and she lost her balance but before she could tumble down the stairs he held her hand immediately, as if ready to hold her, and pulled her towards him, stablizing her footing. But by doing so, she landed on his chest, her weight completely on him as he held her as if it was his second nature.

She could hear his heartbeat which was picking up pace with every passing second. She could feel her own palpitations in her ear but she didn't dare to look up, already feeling his burning gaze on her. His one hand was locked around her wrist and the other was around her waist.

Farjaad was going crazy. His already raised heart rate had increased a notch higher. Holding her so close that he could feel her breath on his chest, which was not helping at all. He couldn't take his eyes off her face and was craving to look into her eyes but she had her gaze averted.


His raspy whisper had desperation dripping but it was enough to jolt her to reality.

She pulled her hand from his hold and moved away from his grasp, still not meeting his eyes and rushed downstairs.

Feeling her warmth slip away, he felt his heart drop.

Umeed was avoiding him.

He had half expected that so he wasn't surprised but it didn't sit well with him either. He wanted to talk to her, keep telling her how much he loved her, he wanted to keep listening to her until she had vented out all her emotions and then hug her till she cried her heart out. But her heart seemed to be frozen and locked in the deepest confines of her heart and he didn't know how to reach to it.

Sighing, he moved towards his room, knowing Umeed won't be present at the breakfast.


She barely acknowledged him at work.

When Aziz and Fajaad reached the venue, she greeted Aziz Uncle and dashed away, running through the hall with papers in her hands, instructing the staff, not even looking up when she walked past him.

The daily morning meeting regarding logistics and stuff was smooth and throughly proffessional. Farjaad had easily slipped into his work mode and the dicussion, which was mostly Umeed briefing the staff, went smoothly. After which she dismissed the staff and rushed away before he could stop her.

Letting out a huge sigh, he shook his head, watching her strut away as he moved towards his office. He decided to take care of some of his office work which was neglected enough. He opened the blinds of his cabin through which he could clearly see the woman who had once again taken over his heart and mind. Not that she was ever away from his thoughts during their time apart, but now seeing her in front of him and not being able to hold her was killing him.

You promised her.

His heart whispered and he closed his eyes, taking a deep breath he turned towards his table, settling down to get some work done before his phone pinged.

Mimi calling.

He smiled and picked it up but before he could say anything, he heard her scream.


Farjaad pulled away his cellphone and rolled his eyes, frowning in curiosity at her question.

"How...did you know?" He was surprised.

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