Part 4

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"Umeed beta, why don't you give Farjad a tour around?"

Umeed spluttered the water out of her mouth, barely holding the bottle as she registered Aziz's words. Give him a tour around?

Umeed was working on the designs and logos with her team when she had spotted him along with Aziz Uncle stepping inside the hall, making her lose all her focus. How the hell is she supposed to continue working with him hovering around her?

Her eyes fell on Farjaad who was beside Aziz, barely holding his smile. Umeed wanted to punch his smug face, only if he wasn't looking like a snack in those jeans and fitted white T-shirt which enhanced his biceps, Umeed would've actually made him see stars.

"Uncle, I'm a little caught up. Atif will show him around" She nudged Atif, her junior team member who was clueless, trying to deviate on the pretext of having work, which she did.

"Arre it won't take long. I'll manage it, go show him around" Aziz pushed away the paperwork and nudged Umeed as she huffed. Grudgingly, Umeed got up and glared at him, "Aaiye" she gritted her teeth and Farjaad smoothly fell into her steps, following her with a smug smile.

She started with introducing him to the staff there, then she moved to different halls and departments, easily slipping into her professional mode, explaining him everything animatedly about the theatre hall, the art exhibition hall, after which they moved outside to the sports area. It was so easy for her to talk about her work, something she had become so passionate about which made Farjaad's chest swell with pride as he watched her with a heart-warming gaze, listening to her every word carefully.

She was so different, so different than what she had been. Gone was the bubbly, chirpy, child-like Umeed who hurled and bumped into people, breaking things around like they were for free and kept uttering nonsense, bickering with him randomly. Who he was watching right now was a mature, thoroughly proffessional event manager who clearly knew what she was doing and was bloody good at it.

As much as his was heart filled with joy and pride seeing her finding the path of her choice, it hurt him to think what she had to go through before building a life for herself, which made her loose her own self.

He was pulled out of his melancholic thoughts once he heard her voice, "We should get back now"

They were in the Audio-visual room right now. In front of the LED screens as he his eyes scanned the otherwise empty room.

Speaking so, she started moving towards the door when his voice stopped her in her tracks.

"Can we talk?"

She closed her eyes and gulped, knowing it was coming, "If its related to work"

"And if its not?" His deep voice still had the same effect on her as it did a couple of years ago. She wanted to run away but she also wanted to stay.

He turned towards her who still had her back at him, his hands in his pocket, trying to act casual but his heartbeat was catching pace.

When she said nothing, he took a step forward, keeping his gaze fixed on the back of her head, waiting for her to turn around.

"I didn't come here on purpose. It was a mere coincidence that I found you here" he explained himself, something he wanted to do since he saw her getting edgy at his every move.

"It's okay. It is your job and I have mine" she replied shortly, without turning.

"Can we talk?" He took a chance, now desperate to share two words with her.

"I don't have time for this" Umeed replied, still not turning.

"Can you please look at me?" His soft voice made her heart flutter. She could feel him coming closer and her heart started beating faster, so much so she could hear it.

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