Part 3

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"So if you're done playing hide n seek, can we talk?"

Umeed froze. Hearing his voice after so long had affected her so much already, now that the voice was directed towards her, she could feel her insides go haywire. Her grip on the glass loosened and it went flying on the ground, shattering into pieces.

"Umeed!" Farjaad was immediately alarmed, forgetting everything else he had in mind.

Well, some things can never change.

"Why the hell are you barefoot??" He scolded her, noticing her feet were bare and there were glass pieces surrounding her. Luckily, it hadn't pierced her. She tried moving away, not able to face him directly but he held her hand, making her go still.

"Don't move" he spoke in a soft yet commanding tone and she could only focus on the grip his hand had over her wrist. His gaze followed hers and they looked up together to lock their gazes as a feeling of deja vu hit them.

It had happened before. When she had visited him in his office and gifted him a cell phone as a compensation for drowning his old one. He had held her hand and pulled her away from the reception when she was blabbering about how he had to jump out of her house. A feeling of warmth washed over them as they recalled their moments of falling in love together.

"Wait..." Farjaad was concerned more about Umeed piercing her skin, knowing how accident prone she was. He slipped his feet out of his chappals and pushed them towards her, letting himself barefoot since he was at a safe distance from the broken glass pieces. Even if he wasn't, he really wouldn't have cared.

"Wear them" he gently commanded her. She quietly obliged, wanting to run away as soon as possible but his firm grip on her wrist was not making things easier. His hand slowly slipped downwards and took her hands in his, guiding her out of the sea of broken glass pieces.

Once she was at a safe distance from it, she quickly kicked the chappals and was about to make a dash out of the kitchen when the firm tug on her wrist brought her back with a force. She was about to tumble when his other hand went around her waist, balancing her.

Umeed gasped as she fell in his embrace.  Her eyes widened as her heart picked up pace as his gaze on her intensified. It had been so long since they were this close. So close they could actually hear each others' heartbeats, which were increasing drastically.

His gaze melted into hers as they fell into the ocean of memories. It was as if the distance between them never existed. They were still the same Umeed and Farjaad who fell deeply in love amongst all the bickerings. His fingers tightened around her tiny waist, pulling her slightly closer, making her breath stop.

She could hear her heart beat faster and faster against her rib cage. Him being so close to her, barely inches away, was doing things to her heart she had experienced once, but had her heart closed to those feelings now and didn't want them to resurface again.

But the way he was looking at her, his eyes moving at every inch of her face, dropping down to her lips which made het breath hitch before coming up and locking het gaze with his. He looked at her as if her existance was the only thing that mattered, that if she pulls away, he'll lose it.

The older Umeed would've gotten lost in the moment but this revised version of her had stopped wearing her heart on her sleeve. Now she was a person who used brains even if her heart said something else.

Fighting herself, she looked away, pulling herself from his embrace. His hands were left hanging as the feeling of her vanished from his arms. His eyes never left her face though, even if she looked everywhere else but him. He knew what her next move was going to be. And Umeed did not disappoint him.

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