Chapter 7<3

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friends are the family
you choose.


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*•.¸♡ Aurora ♡¸.•*

-mention of an eating disorder

"No, I need to go away from the county."

Dad stopped walking, "what?"

"I need to go away from the country." I repeated.

"Why?" Dad asked, looking disappointed.

"Mom told the interviewers, about everything, she told them I'm staying at yours." I said, tears coming from my eyes.

Andrew was the first one to speak from the guys, "what did she tell?"

I mean, I don't really have a lot to lose, do I?

"Uh, I'm an ice skater.." I started, and Andrew gave me a look that said 'no shit Sherlock'

"A really famous one, I'm on my way to nationals." I admitted, it felt nice to get it out.

The guys gasped, and Issac looked at me, "that's so cool, but why is it a big deal if they know where you are?"

I laughed, "I went trough a really big breakup, it was all over the news honestly, and I didn't give any details to the press yet, they started a competition, the first one to get the details from me, will win the best interviewer of the year."


And here goes my chances to have a vacation.

Andrew clenched his jaw, "What do you mean 'a really big breakup' ?"

I knew this question was coming.

I looked down, "Uh, I got out from an abusive relationship last summer, he's a celebrity, so people are still waiting for my response."

Dad gave me a hug.

Evan looked at me, "so that's it? You're leaving?"

I shrugged, "It's not like I have a choice, I came here to train and to finally have some quiet, I won't be able to that if the press knows I'm here."

Atlas smiled, "You do have a choice, you just came here, leaving is pointless."

"The press won't stop bothering me, and I'm not ready to talk about the breakup yet, I'm sorry." I apologised.

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