Chapter 16<3

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"This is me trying."

-Short mention of negative thoughts
-short mention of anxiety.

*•.¸♡ Aurora ♡¸.•*

I'm tired.

I'm worried.

I'm scared.

And most importantly, I'm nervous.

I'm nervous because I'm meeting Orion later to talk about his progress, I'm nervous because I still haven't completed the triple axel, or tried to do the Biellmann spin or the Camel spin.

but mostly I'm terrified because I need to complete the Death spiral.

Which is the scariest trick for me, especially because I still don't have an ice skating partner who's ready to try it out with me.

I couldn't sleep last night, because I was terrified Issac will tell someone about the pills.

I can't do this.

No matter how hard I'm trying, it's still not enough.

I already went on my walk, and consider the fact it's Saturday , we don't have school today, the guys do have training, because they have some scouts coming to their next game, which can be scary as hell.

The house is so quiet, dad is out with the guys, and I'm home alone, so I'm terribly bored.

An hour and a half later<3

I just made 63 cookies.

I have 50 cookies on my desk, and 13 in my oven.

I have 63 cookies.

And no one to eat them.

Well, shit.

I sent a message to dad, asking if he wants some cookies, considering the fact I made three different kinds, devil cookies, soft Chocolate Chip Cookies, and Crinkle cookies.

I sent dad a message, asking if he cookies, only to find out he's on a diet...the fuck?

Okay, one last resort, THE HOCKEY TEAM, they eat a lot, and they're my friends, so it's worth a shot..I think.

I picked up my phone, calling Issac.





"Hey Rory, you doing okay? We just finished training." His voice was heard from my phone.

I smiled at my amazing timing, "hey Issac, I'm doing amazing actually, how are you doing?"

He sighed, "I'm fine, your dad almost killed me and Andrew in training though."

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