Chapter 20<3

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"For you, I'd fall from grace,
just to touch your face."

" ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••

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*•.¸♡ Aurora ♡¸.•*

It's 1 AM.

I know, I know.

It's late as fuck to come home after a date, but after the date, the paparazzi showed out of nowhere, and kept asking me the most annoying questions ever.


As I left the restaurant, about sixty photographers ran in my direction, asking me questions about the 'new boy-toy.'

"So, where did you meet the 'new boy-
toy' " one of them questioned.

Boy toy?

I groaned, "Please don't cal him that."

The cameras flashed like crazy, making me realize that was my first time since the breakup of me talking back.

"Are you two official then?"the main reporter asked, her blonde hair tied in a silk ponytail.

"No, it was just a date." I said as I realized I can't run away from this.

The male reporter stepped closer, and pushed the microphone to my face, "Are you and Jaxon still talking?"


The entire place went quiet, waiting for my response.

I shook my head, "No, we're not in contact."

"What did you do?" He asked.

What did I do?


That's it.

"God!" I groaned, "why are we still talking about this?! I mean, really?! We broke up! That's it! Can y'all get off my fucking back?!"

The cameras flashed once again, making me realize what the headlines will be tomorrow.


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