Chapter 18<3

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"I can change everything
about me to fit in."

TRIGGER WARNING:Mention of an eating disorder

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Mention of an eating disorder.

TRIGGER WARNING:Mention of an eating disorder

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*•.¸♡ Aurora  ♡¸.•*

Ever since Issac found out my pills, and my eating disorder, he's been trying to make me eat.

And I appreciate it, I know he's trying to help, but I don't think he gets how that makes me feel.

It makes me feel like a baby.

That I need to be fed like some animal, or some toddler, it hurts.

Like, for example, a week ago, when we had that picnic.


I played with my food, pushing some to the side, to make it look like I ate, Issac noticed, and let out a little sigh, leaning closer to me, and whispering, "You okay?"

I nodded, whispering back, "of course."

"Aren't you going to eat, then?" He whispered back, making sure no one hears, which made me whisper back, "I'm not that hungry ."

"Just eat the food, Aurora." He said softly,

I smiled uncomfortably, "I'm not hungry."

He smiled back, a sad smile, messing with my hair, like an older annoying brother, "You need to eat."

"I will," I paused, "eventually."

The dizziness attacked me once again, it's one of the pill side effects, I rested my head on Issac's shoulder, and he flicked my forehead.

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