A night out

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The following morning, I found myself awakening in a hazy state, only for the memories of last night's events to come crashing back into my mind like an unexpected wave. Disappointment and frustration flooded over me as I mentally scolded myself for allowing it to happen. Yes, he is undeniable attractive, but he's a cheater, manipulator and overall a jerk. As I glanced beside me, I noticed his arm draped over me, indicating that we had unwittingly drifted into a state of cuddling during the night. Realizing the uncomfortable situation, I gently maneuvered his arm back to his side, careful not to disturb his sleep. It was then that I realized I was wearing one of his shirts, a jarring reminder of last night events. Feeling a rush of discomfort and wanting to leave, I swiftly discarded the shirt and hurriedly put on my own clothes. Just as I was about to make my exit, he unexpectedly tossed me his hoodie, catching me off guard. I hadn't even realized he was awake. "Here," he directed, his voice firm, "Use the back door and keep your face hidden, understood?" I nodded my head in silent agreement, I quickly slipped on the hoodie and made my way towards the exit, my emotions and thoughts swirling in a whirlwind.
            As I headed back to my dorm room, memories from last night flooded my mind. It was just a one-night thing, fueled by booze and to forget about her. He made me feel really special. He was rough and demanding, it turned me on, how he was just all over me and knew what to do. But then reality hit me hard—I remembered who he really is. A  narcissistic bully, and he can't stand me. I can't stand him either. Still, as I reflected on the aftermath of our encounter, a glimmer of hope flickered within me. Amidst the chaos of conflicting emotions, I had caught a glimpse of his softer side. The way he tenderly cared for me, showering me with praise and planting gentle kisses on my skin while helping me clean up, revealed a side of him I had never witnessed before. It left me wondering if, against all odds, I would ever have the chance to witness that vulnerable, compassionate side of him again.
         As I arrived back at the dorm, it dawned on me that it was move-out day. Most people had already packed up and left, leaving the hallways deserted. Stepping through the door, I was met with the sight of my belongings neatly packed and ready to go. "Hey there, Max-a-million! Looks like you got lucky last night, huh?" Bobby's playful voice chimed in. I nodded, acknowledging his comment. "You bet," I replied. Curiosity sparked in Bobby's eyes as he leaned in. "Oh, really? So, was she a total knockout?" he prodded. "He was" I said. Bobby's eyebrows shot up, accompanied by a playful "Oooo." He couldn't resist asking, "Alright then, on a scale of 1 to 10, how hot was he?"Caught off guard, I blurted out without thinking, "A solid 10." Realizing what I had just said, I couldn't help but wonder if calling Bradley hot was a slip of the tongue. "Well, we better get all our stuff loaded into the van. Grab a bag, Max, and let's hit the road." His practical tone signaled that it was time to focus on the task at hand. I nodded and grabbed a bag.
        We arrived at home. I said bye to my friends and saw my dad waiting for me. "Hey ya Maxy, I made your favorite breakfast" he said. "Thanks dad" I said, dropping my bags at the door and going to eat breakfast. There I saw ms. Marpole sitting at the table. "Hello ms. Marpole" i said and sat down ready to dig in. "Oh max you can just call me Sylvia" she said. "Uh okay" I said. She smiled at me half heartedly. "So how was the trip back?"my father asked. "It was fine" I said. I had no time to take a shower or change clothes till I got home. "So can you tell me why you smell like alcohol" he asked. I gulped and looked up at him. "The gammas had a party and I went and we got a little out of hand" I said. He laughed "I remember my first time going to a college party, I woke up on the lawn". I sighed in relief, he wasn't angry. I finished eating and put all my stuff back in my room I think next year I only take some of my stuff, being away from home is fun and all but I do miss this place.
         Exhausted from the day's events, I collapsed onto my cozy bed, feeling the weight of fatigue seep through my bones. Without any resistance, I succumbed to the sweet embrace of sleep, drifting away into a world of dreams. A few hours passed, and as consciousness gently pulled me back into reality, I groggily reached for my phone resting on the nightstand. I got a text message from Bobby, bringing a spark of excitement to my drowsy state.
Bobby: Hey, we're heading to "Euphoria" tonight. Want to come?
I couldn't help but feel a surge of anticipation at the invitation. The allure of the nightclub and the prospect of an unforgettable night beckoned me.
Me: Yeah, sure! What time?
Bobby: Around 9.
Me: Sounds perfect. Count me in!
With a burst of energy, I eagerly began preparing for the evening ahead. I was thrilled to be heading to "Euphoria," a popular downtown nightclub known for its incredible parties. Although I had only been there once before, the memories still excited me, and I couldn't wait for another amazing night. Wanting to look my best, I carefully picked out my outfit: a cool Nirvana shirt, loose leather pants, and comfy Converse shoes. I added some smoky eye makeup to give myself a confident look and wore a shiny silver necklace for a touch of style.
        "Hey dad I'm going out tonight" I said walking down the stairs. I look over in the living room to find what seems to be Ms. Marpoles family. "So that's your son mr. Goof" said what I assumed to be Ms. Marpoles mother. My dad nodded confident. "You can't possibly let him go out dressed like that," she exclaimed. Curiosity piqued, I turned towards the mirror by the front door, taking a moment to reassess my appearance. "You're right," I conceded, realizing that a change of outfit might be in order. Ascending the stairs, I swiftly swapped my shirt for a fishnet top, with nothing under, adding big cross earrings and black lipstick. I descended the staircase once again, announcing, "Alright, I'm leaving."
       However, before I could make my exit, she intervened once more. "He can't wear that either," she insisted, her disapproval palpable. Intrigued, my father challenged her viewpoint, questioning, "Why not?"Searching for the right words, she hesitated momentarily, eventually settling on, "He looks, well... different." In an unguarded moment, her father interjected with an ill-considered comment. "A pansy," he blurted out, unwittingly revealing his own bias. "Dad" Ms. Marpole said. "Well that's what he looks like, he's a damn pansy" he said boldly.
         "Didn't know dinosaurs like you were still roaming around" I remarked. He looked offended. "That is rude young man" he said. "You get what you give grandpa" I responded. "You've raised a disrespectful child, he should respect his elders" her mother exclaimed. "Respect his earned Mrs. Marpole" my father said, "max you can go out but be back tomorrow morning". "I make no promises" and left.  My friends we're waiting in the van, Bobby whistled, "Damn, Max-a-Million, you're going to turn heads wherever you go!" and then howled. I got in the van and we sped off.
     We arrived and the line to get in wrapped around the block. "How are we going to get in" I asked. "Pj gots the hookup" Bobby said. "My girlfriend mocha, her fathers rich and they have a condo here and she can get us in a jiffy" pj said. She sees our van and waves us over. Following her lead, we quickly made our way inside. The moment we stepped through the entrance, the pulsating music and vibrant atmosphere enveloped us. The venue was alive with energy, a kaleidoscope of lights and sounds that promised a night to remember. As the night progressed, we each found our own groove. Pj and mocha were dancing, Bobby was trying and failing to talk to some girls and I was sitting on a barstool drinking.
         I was thinking to hook up with a young lady or handsome man, to get both Roxanne and Bradley outta my mind. I sat at the bar, sipping on a delightful martini lost in thought "well don't you look stunning", I was startled by a familiar voice beside me. Turning my head, I saw Bradley, looking dashing in his unbuttoned shirt, joining me at the bar. With a mixture of surprise and curiosity, I inquired, "What are you doing here?". "My father owns a condo here and my sister wanted to visit her boyfriend so I came with her" he explained "why are you here". "I'm here with my friends" I said. He raised a brow. "Bobbys looking to go home with someone and pjs dancing with his girlfriend" I said.
             Bradley's demeanor underwent a noticeable shift. With gentle caresses, he traced the contours of my face, his touch evoking a myriad of emotions within me. "Aw they left you by yourself" he said his voice, dripping with sweetness, broke through the turmoil of my thoughts, leaving me momentarily flustered. Summoning my resolve, I shook my head and straightened my posture, determined to remain composed. "I know what you're doing," I asserted, averting my gaze and crossing my arms protectively. Sensing my resistance, he gently but firmly grasped my face, compelling me to meet his gaze. His eyes, smoldering with intensity, conveyed a longing that mirrored my own. "Aw you looks so cute when your fussy" he said. Making me fluster a bit. I pushed his hand away "that was a one time thing Bradley" I said he put his hand back and made me look at him.
         "Max, baby," he murmured, his voice laced with desire, "you know deep down that we both want this." His words, a invitation, echoed in the charged atmosphere between us. He pulled me closer and continued, his voice adopting a more tender tone, "I know you enjoyed yourself last time.You were such a good boy. Can you be a good boy for me again?". The intensity in his eyes mirrored the fire that burned within me, awakening a desire that I thought I had tried to suppressed. Frustration mingled with temptation as I uttered an exasperated "Damn it" under my breath, I kissed him. It was demanding and and rough but that's they way I like it. We explored each others wet caverns. He tugged at my hair and I moaned slightly. I didn't want it to end. When we were reminded we need to breathe, we broke away a string of salvia was between us and he had a shit eating grin.

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